Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Prepare for the eclipse

A partial solar eclipse will be visible in Fairfax County on Aug. 21 beginning at 1:17 p.m., peaking at 2:42 p.m., and ending at 4:01 p.m. Although we are about 500 miles from the zone of totality (stretching from Lincoln Beach, Ore., to Charleston, S.C.), our area will experience a partial eclipse as the moon will … Continued

Local parks offer music on summer nights

The Vietnamese-American Youth String Orchestra. The Vietnamese-American Youth String Orchestra performed classical and popular music at Vietnamese Cultural Heritage Night at Ossian Hall Park on Saturday evening. The group offers young musicians an opportunity to play in a professional-level ensemble. It is open to students age 18 and under from all cultural backgrounds who play … Continued

Farmers markets open next week

Fresh-from-the-farm tomatoes at the Annandale Farmers Market. Ready to shop outdoors for fresh produce from local farms? Fairfax County’s 11 farmers markets open next week. The market at Wakefield Park, 8100 Braddock Road, Annandale, opens for the season May 3. It will operate 2-6 p.m. every Wednesday through October. The first day for the Annandale … Continued

Mason District Little League gets grant for field upgrades

MDLL teammates The Mason District Little League has been awarded a $10,000 Delta Dream grant from the Washington Nationals Dream Foundation. Delta Dream grants, sponsored by the Nationals’ corporate partner, Delta Air Lines, support youth baseball field capital improvements, among other programs. MDLL will use the funds to refurbish, repair, and upgrade the batting cages … Continued