Tag: parks

New tool lets homeowners avoid park encroachment
Parkland in Mason District as shown on the new park encroachment mapping tool. The large shape in the middle is Mason District Park. If your backyard abuts on a Fairfax County park, you’re not supposed to be treating parkland as part of your own private domain. Park encroachment is a problem, as homeowners put up … Continued

Section of Holmes Run Stream Valley Trail to close for emergency sewer repair project
Holmes Run Stream Valley. [City of Alexandria] A short section of Holmes Run Stream Valley Trail will be closed, starting the week of Oct. 23, for an emergency project to repair a sanitary sewer line, the Fairfax County Park Authority reports. Depending on the level of repairs required, an approximately 1,500-foot section of trail could … Continued

Trails in Mason District Park to close for stream project
Turkeycock Run Some trails in Mason District Park will be closed for the next few months while stream restoration will be carried out on Turkeycock Run. A pedestrian bridge near the park entrance at Sleepy Hollow Road will be replaced. Surveying work could start as early as this week, said Yudhie Brownson, a construction manager with the … Continued

How about a run around the park this Saturday?
Participants in the 2016 Mason District Running Festival. The Mason District Running Festival, Saturday, Sept. 23, offers a great opportunity to get some outdoor exercise, whether you’re new at running or havemany races under your belt. This free event offers several runs throughout the day, including a six-hour run at 8 a.m., a 5K at … Continued

New baseball field dedicated to Ivan ‘Pudge’ Rodriguez
Ivan “Pudge” Rodriguez speaks at the dedication of the ballfield named for him. [Vivianne Couts] Several local students were late for the first day of school Monday, but they had a good excuse: They are members of the Mason District Little League and attended the dedication of a new baseball field at Mason District Park, … Continued

American Legion Post donates flagpole for new Little League field
American Legion members and MDLL parents put up a flagpole. A flagpole donated by American Legion Bicentennial Post 1976 in Annandale was installed at a new baseball field used by the Mason District Little League at Mason District Park Aug. 17. The Washington Nationals’ Dream Foundation donated funds to the MDLL for the new … Continued

Prepare for the eclipse
A partial solar eclipse will be visible in Fairfax County on Aug. 21 beginning at 1:17 p.m., peaking at 2:42 p.m., and ending at 4:01 p.m. Although we are about 500 miles from the zone of totality (stretching from Lincoln Beach, Ore., to Charleston, S.C.), our area will experience a partial eclipse as the moon will … Continued

Heron spotted in Annandale park
Thanks to a reader for getting a photo of this heron seen from the bridge on Holmes Run Trail near Rose Lane Park in Annandale. The two dogs with the photographer annoyed the heron and it flew away.

Local parks offer music on summer nights
The Vietnamese-American Youth String Orchestra. The Vietnamese-American Youth String Orchestra performed classical and popular music at Vietnamese Cultural Heritage Night at Ossian Hall Park on Saturday evening. The group offers young musicians an opportunity to play in a professional-level ensemble. It is open to students age 18 and under from all cultural backgrounds who play … Continued

Despite complaints, Backlick Park still in bad shape
The slide has been broken for nearly two years. Nearly a year after Annandale resident Binod Gupta started complaining about the neglected state of Backlick Park – a complaint that was picked up on a TV newscast – a few improvements have been made, but the park is still in substandard condition. The slide is … Continued

Running Festival set for Mason District Park
Participants in the 2016 Mason District Running Festival. [Bernard Pesjak] Experienced runners, novice runners, and anyone interested in getting some outdoor exercise are encouraged to participate in the Mason District Running Festival Sept. 23, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. on the trails in Mason District Park. There will be multiple events during the day, including a six-hour … Continued

Ossian Hall Park showcases music and dance of Peru
The show opened with a marinera dance. The musical traditions of Peru came alive at Ossian Hall Park in Annandale July 8. Centro Cultural Peru presented dances from different regions of the country at Peruvian Cultural Heritage Night, featuring performers ranging from very young students to competition-winning professionals. Centro Cultural Peru, a nonprofit organization based … Continued

Fireworks – Where to see them
JUNE 30-JULY 1 Mount Vernon – Fireworks, choreographed with patriotic music, plus tours of the mansion, games, musical performances, and food sales, 6-9:45 p.m. $34 for adults, $24 for youths. Fireworks only without the tour: $30 for adults and $20 for youths. (3200 Mount Vernon Memorial Highway, Mount Vernon) JULY 1 Lake Fairfax Park, Reston – … Continued

Summer concert series starts in June
A summer concert at Mason District Park. The lineup has been set for the free Spotlight by Starlight concerts at Mason District Park and Ossian Hall Park. The shows are part of the summer entertainment series in parks throughout Fairfax County. The concerts in the amphitheater in Mason District Park are on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays at 7 p.m. … Continued

Farmers markets open next week
Fresh-from-the-farm tomatoes at the Annandale Farmers Market. Ready to shop outdoors for fresh produce from local farms? Fairfax County’s 11 farmers markets open next week. The market at Wakefield Park, 8100 Braddock Road, Annandale, opens for the season May 3. It will operate 2-6 p.m. every Wednesday through October. The first day for the Annandale … Continued