Tag: parks

Public urged to report suspected gang activity
Lanham With gang activity on the increase in Fairfax County, law enforcement officials are urging residents to be vigilant, monitor their children, and report suspicious events. At a Town Hall on Gangs hosted by Mason Supervisor Penny Gross March 29, Police Chief Edwin Roessler urged the community to “get engaged.” Parents need to look over … Continued

New historic marker commemorates a vanished black community
Descendants of the families who created The Pines. Families in the small African-American community in Annandale called The Pines tended their gardens, fished in a pond, had sleigh rides, went to church, sang together, and enjoyed Sunday dinners of baked chicken, greens, mashed potatoes, ice cream, and four-layer cake. “It was a … Continued

Mason District Little League gets grant for field upgrades
MDLL teammates The Mason District Little League has been awarded a $10,000 Delta Dream grant from the Washington Nationals Dream Foundation. Delta Dream grants, sponsored by the Nationals’ corporate partner, Delta Air Lines, support youth baseball field capital improvements, among other programs. MDLL will use the funds to refurbish, repair, and upgrade the batting cages … Continued

Park Authority seeks feedback on RECenters
The pool at Audrey Moore RECenter in Annandale. The Fairfax County Park Authority invites the public to take a community interest survey on programming and operations at its RECenters. The survey is being distributed to RECenter users, pass holders, and other county residents and is available online until Oct. 21. They survey is part of … Continued

“Pop-up park” will promote community engagement at Taste of Annandale
An example of a “pop-up park” from the Urban Land Institute report on revitalizing Annandale. The Fairfax County Office of Community Revitalization (OCR) is creating a tiny, temporary “pop-up” park in a parking lot at the Taste of Annandale to provide a relaxing place to hang out. “The pop-up park will be a tiny oasis … Continued

Vote for a critter
The candidates: Black Rat Snake, Eastern Box Turtle, and American Toad. In what might be the most cold-blooded election ever, the Fairfax County Park Authority invites the public to vote for their favorite herptile. The candidates are a snake, a toad, and a turtle. Hidden Oaks Nature Center in Annandale is campaign headquarters for the … Continued

Deer hunting season starts Sept. 10 in Fairfax County parks
A deer on the Cross County Trail in Accotink Stream Valley Park. Fairfax County’s deer management program begins Saturday, Sept. 10, and runs through, Feb. 25, 2017. The program is aimed at reducing the deer population in designated parks mainly through the use of archery. Bow hunting is allowed in several parks in the Annandale/Mason … Continued

Annandale park showcases music of Colombia
Vanessa Lozano and Ricardo Herrera, both originally from Bogota, Colombia, perform at Ossian Hall Park. The music and dance of Colombia was on display at Ossian Hall Park in Annandale Saturday evening. The band Confonica played traditional music from the Andes and Pacific and Atlantic coasts, and members of the El Tayrona dance group performed … Continued

Backlick Park is victim of budget cuts
A picnic table at Backlick Park. Backlick Park has deteriorated so much, it was featured Aug. 9 on WJLA’s “7 on Your Side,” which serves as an advocate for people who have trouble getting authorities to deal with their complaints. The TV news show followed up on an email from Annandale resident Binod Gupta, who … Continued

Urban design experts recommend short-term fixes for Annandale
Columbia Pike and Tom Davis Drive: Picture a “pop-up” plaza here. Short-term fixes to make central Annandale more inviting could include a plaza for community gatherings, streetscape improvements to promote walkability, and a new nonprofit organization to implement revitalization strategies. Those are some of the recommendations of a Technical Assistance Panel (TAP) convened by the … Continued

County bond referenda will be on November ballot
Bond would fund Metro improvements and maintenance. Three Fairfax County bond referenda are expected to appear on the ballot on Election Day, Nov. 8, totaling $312 million. A $120 million transportation bond would be used to pay for the county’s share – $30 million annually over the next four years – of the Washington Metropolitan … Continued

Traditional Bulgarian music featured at Ossian Hall Park
Lyuti Churhki performs traditional Bulgarian music. The Annandale community got a taste of Bulgaria Saturday evening as the group Lyuti Chushki performed at Bulgarian Cultural Night at Ossian Hall Park. Lyuti Chushki means “hot peppers” in Bulgarian, and as a handout from the group says, “you can’t have a feast without them.” The group has … Continued

A new turf field for Pine Ridge Park
Pine Ridge Park, with Field #6 in the lower left and Woodburn Road on top. A new synthetic turf field is being installed at Pine Ridge Park in Annandale. Field #6 will be striped for five sports: football, soccer, men’s lacrosse, women’s lacrosse, and field hockey. The field is closed all summer and is expected … Continued

Improvements to White Gardens to start this summer
The Fairfax County Park Authority (FCPA) is starting work this summer on improvements to the John C. & Margaret K. White Gardens, a 13-acre park in Falls Church between Annandale Road and Sleepy Hollow Road. The Whites had cultivated rhododendrons and azaleas on the property, which they purchased in 1939. After John died, Margaret sold … Continued

New Master Plan approved for Green Spring Gardens
One of the ponds at Green Spring Gardens. A revised Master Plan for Green Spring Gardens calls for a potential expansion of the Horticulture Center, an outdoor classroom, a greater focus on historic preservation, and improved pedestrian and bicycle access. The new plan, approved by the Park Authority Board in April, serves as a guide … Continued