Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Free summer concerts four nights a week

A little rain didn’t stop the Cool McFinn show Wednesday night. Spotlight by Starlight outdoor concerts are under way, offering free shows four nights a week in Mason District all summer long. The first Spotlight show on a cold drizzly evening June 3 at Mason District Park featured traditional Celtic  music by the Cool McFinn … Continued

Farmers markets open in May

Good stuff from the market at Wakefield Park. The farmers markets operated by the Fairfax County Park Authority offer many varieties of exceptional, locally grown vegetables and fruit and artisanal food products – along with the opportunity to meet the people who produce them. There are two markets in the Annandale/Mason area. The Annandale Farmers … Continued

Boardwalk renovations at Luria Park to start in a few weeks

Holmes Run near Luria Park. The Fairfax County Park Authority plans to begin construction within the next month of the second phase of the boardwalk renovation project at Luria Park and Holmes Run Stream Valley Park near the Holmes Run Acres neighborhood. Workers will demolish approximately 320 feet of boardwalk deck and railing and install … Continued

Man arrested for indecent exposure

Fairfax County Police officers arrested a 32-year-old Falls Church man Feb. 8 in Munson Hill Park for indecent exposure and felony exposure toward a child under age 15. “Police occasionally receive reports of indecent exposure in family-friendly parks across Fairfax County. Often, suspects flee and are not found when police arrive,” states a police notice … Continued

Audrey Moore has some new friends

The organizational meeting for a new citizens’ group to advocate for improvements at Audrey Moore RECenter drew lots of support. About three dozen residents – and several county officials – came to a Feb. 5 meeting to explore the formation of a group called Friends of Audrey Moore RECenter (AMRC). Built in 1976, Audrey Moore … Continued