Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Bring kids to Hidden Oaks Nature Center for lots of drop-in activities

Nature Playce, an all-natural play area. Annandale’s Hidden Oaks Nature Center offers lots of nature programs for kids (such as science lessons, animal encounters, campfires, tea parties, and nature-related crafts) that require advanced registration and fees. But there are also a variety of drop-in activities at Hidden Oaks: Nature Playce – An unstructured woodland play … Continued

Stuart Park clean-up exemplifies power of volunteerism

Students working in Stuart Park. Stuart Park is looking much nicer after three clean-up activities this fall organized by JEB Stuart High School teacher Lauren Kinne. More than 100 volunteers bagged and removed nearly 200 bags of invasive species, primarily porcelain berry, knotweed, and English ivy. Students from Stuart High School, Bailey’s Elementary School, and … Continued

Volunteers clean up Stuart Park

More than 50 volunteers collected nearly 100 backs of invasive species debris and a truckload of logs at the first Stuart Park Cleanup event Sept. 29.    J.E.B. Stuart High School students and faculty, Ravenwood Park residents, Bailey’s Crossroads Rotary Club members, and other volunteers participated in the clean-up, which was organized by Stuart biology … Continued

Fall Garden Day at Green Spring Gardens

Asters, winterberry, lilac, butterfly bushes, and Montauk daisies were among the biggest sellers at Fall Garden Day at Green Spring Gardens Sept. 22. The annual event, featuring 21 plant venders, non-profit organizations, a silent auction, crafts, and musical entertainment, benefits Friends of Green Spring (FROGS). Pitcher plants from the Carnivorous Plant Nursery of Derwood, Md.