Tag: Planning Commission

Daren Shumate appointed to Planning Commission
Mason Supervisor Penny Gross has appointed Daren Shumate, a licensed professional engineer, as the Mason District representative on the Fairfax County Planning Commission. He is the CEO of Shumate Engineering PLCC, a mechanical and electrical design firm he founded in May 2022. Shumate replaces Julie Strandlie, whose second four-year term ended on Dec. 31. “As … Continued

Residents oppose industrial rezoning
After hearing numerous complaints from local residents about a proposal to rezone the industrial Plaza 500 property in the Alexandria area of Mason District, the Fairfax County Planning Commission deferred a decision to Nov. 16. At an Oct. 26 hearing, people who live nearby urged the Planning Commission to reject the proposal, citing noise and … Continued

Rt. 50 McDonald’s project advances
The Fairfax County Planning Commission is recommending the Board of Supervisors approve a zoning special exception to allow for a major upgrade and drive-through ordering at the McDonald’s at 6729 Arlington Blvd. in Falls Church. The project includes a modernization of the exterior, a minor expansion of the building, elimination of one of the two … Continued

Rt. 50 McDonald’s proposes major upgrade
The second-oldest McDonald’s in Virginia – at 6729 Arlington Blvd. – is slated for a major upgrade to include a drive-through. When it was built in 1958, it had large golden arches on either side and an outdoor food-ordering counter. It’s currently a simple brick building that needs to be modernized. Following a public hearing … Continued

Gas station plans to replace repair shop with a convenience store
The Fairfax County Planning Commission is scheduled to consider an application Sept. 14 to transform the vehicle repair facility at the Ravensworth Shell gas station into a convenience store. The Shell station is located at the Ravensworth Shopping Center on the corner of Braddock Road and Port Royal Road in Annandale. The applicant, Capital Services … Continued

Planning Commission endorses supportive housing facility in Seven Corners
The Fairfax County Planning Commission on July 27 endorsed a proposal to replace the Patrick Henry emergency family shelter in Seven Corners with a new building providing permanent supportive housing. The new four-story facility, called Patrick Henry Place, will have 16 units. Construction is expected to start in spring 2023. It should be ready for … Continued

Planning Commission endorses Justice HS expansion with limited parking
The Fairfax County Planning Commission on July 20 endorsed a rezoning application to permit the construction of a badly needed addition at Justice High School. The Board of Supervisors will consider the proposal on Aug. 2. The major issue for the project is the need to reduce the county’s parking requirement in order to fit … Continued

Planning Commission endorses affordable housing in Seven Corners
The Fairfax County Planning Commission approved a Comprehensive Plan amendment March 23 that would allow First Christian Church on Leesburg Pike in Seven Corners to develop 113 affordable, age-restricted, multifamily housing units. At a Planning Commission hearing last week, several residents of the Ravenwood Park neighborhood spoke about severe flooding during storms and expressed fears … Continued

Planning Commission defers decision on affordable housing
After listening to residents’ horror stories about flooding, the Fairfax County Planning Commission deferred a decision on a proposal by First Christian Church to build 113 units of affordable housing for seniors. The Planning Commission will vote March 23 on whether to endorse an amendment of the Fairfax County Comprehensive Plan, which is needed for … Continued

Planning Commission endorses expanding substance abuse treatments at Seven Corners mental hospital
Dominion Hospital The Fairfax County Planning Commission approved a zoning special exception Oct. 27 to allow Dominion Hospital in Seven Corners to treat patients whose only medical condition is substance abuse. Under current development conditions, the facility can only treat people for drug and alcohol dependency if they also have a psychiatric diagnosis.

Planning Commission approves Final Development Plan for multifamily building in Bailey’s Crossroads
The entrance to the multifamily building would be at the corner of Columbia Pike and Moncure Avenue. The Fairfax County Planning Commission approved a Final Development Plan (FDP) Oct. 13 for a major project at the intersection of Columbia Pike and Moncure Avenue in Bailey’s Crossroads. The project, proposed by DRI/WP Alta Crossroads LLC, consists … Continued

Planning Commission considers expansion of Annandale storage facility
The Fairfax County Planning Committee on June 23 recommended the Board of Supervisors approve a Comprehensive Plan amendment to allow the expansion of Public Storage on Ravensworth Road in Annandale – but only if the property could be consolidated with the gas station next door. The proposal calls for the one-story facility to be replaced with … Continued

Planning Commission endorses rezoning of Heritage Mission Center so it can expand services to the community
Volunteers prepare food packages at the Heritage Mission Center. The Fairfax County Planning Commission on June 16 unanimously recommended approval of a rezoning application to permit the development of a community resource center at the Heritage Mission Center on Heritage Drive in Annandale. No one spoke at the public hearing, and there was very little … Continued

Planning Commission approves rehabilitation of Holmes Run Wastewater Pump Station
The entrance to the Holmes Run Wastewater Pump Station at 6623 Dearborn Drive. The Fairfax County Planning Commission approved plans on May 19 to rehabilitate the wastewater pump station at the corner of Dearborn Drive and Sleepy Hollow Road. Built in 1957, it’s one of the oldest pump stations in Fairfax County. The improvements will … Continued

Planning Commission approves new Seven Corners Fire Station
The Seven Corners Fire Station on Sleepy Hollow Road. The Fairfax County Planning Commission approved a plan May 5 to replace the aging and obsolete Seven Corners Fire Station. That building, at 2949 Sleepy Hollow Road, was built in 1975 and is not up to the county’s current standards for fire stations.