Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Supervisors set fines for invasive bamboo

The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors approved an ordinance March 22 by a 10-0 vote prohibiting property owners from allowing running bamboo to spread to adjacent yards. The supervisors approved one major change from the draft ordinance: They reduced the maximum yearly penalty from $3,000 to $2,000. Some members of the board, however, questioned whether … Continued

Tenants speak out against rat and bug-infested apartments

Residents of the Lynbrook and Brookdale garden apartments on N. Beauregard Street in Alexandria’s West End are fighting a landlord they say is failing to properly maintain the property – leading to rat and bug infestations. “It’s outrageous,” says community organizer Elsa Riveros of Tenants and Workers United, which is educating tenants about their rights and … Continued

Church members fix up homes for residents who can no longer do the work themselves

A Rebuilding Together volunteer paints the garage door at the Hua’s house in Mason District. Dozens of volunteers fixed up two houses in Mason District April 27 as part of Annandale Christian Community for Action’s (ACCA) Rebuilding Together program. At one of the homes, volunteers painted the exterior and interior, did some yardwork, and installed grab … Continued

County to invest more in revitalization districts

John Marr Drive in Annandale. Fairfax County has increased its investment in maintaining publicly owned properties in five Commercial Revitalization Districts (CRDs): Annandale, Bailey’s Crossroads/Seven Corners, McLean, the Richmond Highway Corridor, and Springfield. Two new full-time positions were created in the Department of Public Works and Environmental Service’s CRD maintenance program to focus on the … Continued

More complaints hit Shops at Bailey’s Crossroads

The Shops at Bailey’s Crossroads will have a CVS, Sardi’s restaurant, Next Day Blinds, T-Mobile, Burger 7, and Pita Pouch. More complaints have been leveled against the Shops at Bailey’s Crossroads, a retail center nearing completion on Leesburg Pike in Bailey’s Crossroads, and representatives of the developer and Fairfax County government say the problems are … Continued

The Avant has a new name, and the new managers promise big improvements

The new managers of the Vistas of Annandale, the apartment complex formerly known as the Avant, promise major improvements. Ross Management Services took control of the 1,065-unit complex from Kettler Management in February. To celebrate the name change and rebranding, Ross hosted a grand re-opening May 20 with a ribbon cutting, Bolivian dancers, food trucks, … Continued

Supervisors to hold hearings on zoning rules to allow short-term rentals

This three-bedroom guesthouse on Hummer Road in Annandale is available on Airbnb for $220 per night. [Airbnb]  The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors on March 20 authorized public hearings on proposed zoning rules on short-term rentals, such as those offered through Airbnb. The Planning Commission is scheduled to hold its hearing on May 3, and … Continued

Awards recognize beautification efforts

Mason Supervisor Penny Gross (left) presents a beautification award to Alex Pathammavong and PJ Tierno of Fairfax County Department of Public Works and Environmental Services. On the right is Kimberly Wilkins, a member of the Bailey’s Crossroads Seven Corners Revitalization Corporation.  The Bailey’s Crossroads Seven Corners Revitalization Corporation presented two beautification awards at its Dec. … Continued