Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Overpass in Seven Corners to be rehabilitated

The Virginia Department of Transportation is hosting a public information meeting April 3 on a project to rehabilitate the one-way bridge linking the eastbound Arlington Boulevard service road to eastbound Wilson Boulevard in Seven Corners. The meeting is at Sleepy Hollow Elementary School, 333 Sleepy Hollow Road. The presentation begins at 7 p.m., but VDOT … Continued

Fire strikes Willston Shopping Center

Several stores damaged. [FCFRD] No injuries were reported following a heavy, two-alarm fire at the Willston Shopping Center in the 6100 block of Arlington Boulevard in Seven Corners Saturday evening. Fire units from Fairfax County and Arlington County arrived at about 7:20 p.m., and the fire was brought under control in 12 minutes, the Fairfax … Continued

Awards recognize beautification efforts

Mason Supervisor Penny Gross (left) presents a beautification award to Alex Pathammavong and PJ Tierno of Fairfax County Department of Public Works and Environmental Services. On the right is Kimberly Wilkins, a member of the Bailey’s Crossroads Seven Corners Revitalization Corporation.  The Bailey’s Crossroads Seven Corners Revitalization Corporation presented two beautification awards at its Dec. … Continued

Man stabs woman in Seven Corners

Two Seven Corners residents are hospitalized in “serious but stable condition” following a domestic-related stabbing early this morning in the 6200 block of Wilson Boulevard, the Fairfax County Police Department reports. When police arrived at around 1:15 a.m., they discovered a 40-year-old woman had been stabbed in the upper body by her boyfriend. The 45-year-old … Continued

Urban design guidelines in the works for Bailey’s Crossroads and Seven Corners

The Fairfax County Office of Community Revitalization (OCR) is working on urban design guidelines for Bailey’s Crossroads and Seven Corners that will address such issues as landscaping, sidewalks, how buildings should be sited, how storefronts should look, and what amenities like benches and lighting should look like. The draft, including illustrations of how various urban elements … Continued