Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Fairfax County seeks feedback on transportation improvements for Seven Corners interchange

The Seven Corners interchange is confusing and congested. The Fairfax County Department of Transportation (FCDOT) invites the community to a virtual meeting on transportation improvements planned for the Seven Corners interchange.  At the meeting, FCDOT officials will seek residents’ input on which improvement should be done first. 

Planning Commission endorses a revised redevelopment plan for western Annandale

The site of a proposed redevelopment project on Little River Turnpike in Annandale.  The Fairfax County Planning Commission agreed that a major redevelopment project in Annandale’s west end should be included in the county’s Comprehensive Plan work program for 2021 – with two major changes.  That project calls for 575 multifamily residential units, 156,000 square … Continued

Community members speak out against redevelopment proposals in Annandale and Seven Corners

The Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center on Row Street in Seven Corners wants to develop a community center. Local residents spoke out against most of the six nominations for redevelopment projects in Mason District at a Planning Commission hearing last week. The projects have been nominated for inclusion in Fairfax County’s Comprehensive Plan Amendment Work Program for … Continued

Neighbors speak out against senior housing project at First Christian Church in Seven Corners

An illustration of the proposed senior housing project on Leesburg Pike in Seven Corners. Local residents raised some key concerns about a proposal for a senior housing project in Seven Corners at a lengthy Fairfax County Planning Commission hearing Nov. 18.  That proposal – submitted by First Christian Church at 6165 Leesburg Pike – is … Continued

Fairfax County staff oppose plan amendments for two projects in Annandale, one in Seven Corners

Planning staff opposes a large mixed-use project on this site in Annandale, viewed from Woodland Road. Fairfax County Planning and Development Department staff are recommending that three of the six “site-specific plan amendments” proposed for Mason District be included in the Comprehensive Plan Amendment Work Program for 2021 – and three should not.  The Planning … Continued

Mason task force agrees two amendments in Seven Corners should move forward

The Gibson house is in the center, and the Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center is on the left. The road is Leesburg Pike.  The Mason District task force charged with reviewing nominations to amend the Fairfax County Comprehensive Plan approved two overlapping development proposals in Seven Corners Aug. 19. This is a preliminary step in a … Continued

Task force to resume work next month on redevelopment proposals in Annandale and Seven Corners

A mixed-use development is proposed for this site on Little River Turnpike in Annandale. The Mason District task force appointed by Supervisor Penny Gross to review a series of development proposals will resume its work in August.  The task force met only once, in March, before its work was suspended due to the coronavirus pandemic.  … Continued