Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Planning Commission defers decision on Bailey’s Crossroads retail center

A view of the Shops at Bailey’s Crossroads on Leesburg Pike. [Spectrum Development] The Fairfax County Planning Commission agreed unanimously to defer until Jan. 22 a recommendation on a proposal to allow a retail center on Leesburg Pike in Bailey’s Crossroads. The Board of Supervisors is scheduled to hear the issue on Jan. 27. Spectrum … Continued

Explosion at Eden Center

Firefighters from Falls Church and Arlington on the scene of an explosion at Eden Center. [WTOP photo] An explosion rocked the Eden Center in Seven Corners at about 3 p.m. today. According to a City of Falls Church spokesperson, smoke was billowing from the front and rear entrances. The Falls Church News-Press reports three people … Continued

It’s holiday craft fair season

With Thanksgiving around the corner and the December holidays looming on the horizon, the craft show/church bazaar season is in full swing. This Saturday, Nov. 15, St. Alban’s Episcopal Church is having its annual Christmas Bazaar. (9 a.m.-2:30 p.m., 6800 Columbia Pike, Annandale.) Venders will be offering baked goods, books, art, toys, games, jewelry, pressed … Continued

Residents object to proposed funeral chapel on Braddock Road

A rendering of the proposed funeral chapel. Residents of Hillbrook-Tall Oaks and nearby Annandale neighborhoods urged the Mason District Land Use Committee Oct. 28 to oppose plans for a funeral chapel on Braddock Road near the Backlick Road intersection. Their concerns primarily have to do with traffic on Braddock Road, spillover parking on neighborhood streets, … Continued

Supervisors approve shopping center in Bailey’s Crossroads

The shopping center site consists of parcels numbered 1-5, bordered by Route 7, Charles Street, Washington Drive, and the Courtland Park neighborhood. [Fairfax County photo] The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved an amendment to the Fairfax County Comprehensive Plan Sept. 23 allowing development of a shopping center on Leesburg Pike between Charles Street … Continued

Loehmann’s Plaza renamed Graham Park Plaza

With Loehmann’s long gone from Loehmann’s Plaza – the discount clothing company went out of business last January – Federal Realty Investment Trust, the owner of the shopping center on Route 50 in Falls Church, is changing its name from Loehmann’s Plaza to “Graham Park Plaza.” According to a Sept. 16 press release, new signage … Continued