Tag: streams
Fairfax County board approves plastic bag tax
The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors passed a 5-cent tax on disposable plastic bags Sept. 14. The new tax takes effect Jan. 1, 2022, and applies to bags provided to customers at grocery stores, convenience stores, and drug stores.

Heavy rains and flash flooding predicted
Avoid driving on flooded streets. The National Weather Service predicts hazardous weather in Northern Virginia through Thursday as the remnants of Hurricane Ida pass through. An extended period of heavy rain is expected, beginning late Tuesday and continuing through Thursday morning. Rainfall amounts of 2 to 4 inches are predicted, with some areas possibly experiencing … Continued

Stream restoration project starts this week in Annandale
Construction is expected to start this week on a stream restoration project in the Broyhill Crest neighborhood in Annandale. The Murray Lane Outfall Restoration Project will stabilize a 722-linear-foot section of an unnamed tributary of Holmes Run in the Cameron Run watershed. The project will increase capacity in the existing channel and stabilize the stream … Continued

Watch the Green Grow program encourages residents to protect the watershed
A native garden in Annandale. Fairfax County residents who take actions to protect the watershed – by not using toxic chemicals on their lawn or replacing invasives with native plants, for example – can chart their efforts on an interactive map. The map is part of the Park Authority’s Watch the Green Grow program, which … Continued

Salt on roads harms waterways
With wintry weather predicted for Wednesday, it’s a good time to think about the ecological damage caused by using salt on icy roads and driveways. The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) will introduce a new a Salt Management Strategy Toolkit at a public meeting next month with resources and recommendations for best practices to reduce … Continued

Stream restoration project to start soon in Wakefield Park
Erosion on Accotink Creek in Wakefield Park. Construction is expected to begin this month on a stream restoration project along the main branch of Accotink Creek and a secondary channel at Wakefield Park. The project will restore 4,878 linear feet of Accotink Creek west of the Gerry Connolly Cross County Trail north of Braddock Road. … Continued

Long Branch trail paving project delayed to provide time for public input
Flooding on the Long Branch trail. [FCPA photos] Construction of a trail paving project in Long Branch Stream Valley has been delayed for a couple of weeks so park users with concerns about the project can discuss the plans at a community meeting. The meeting will be held via Zoom Sept. 10, 7 p.m. To … Continued

Fairfax county pays homeless crews to clean up streams
Trash collected by Bailey’s Shelter residents at a recent cleanup at a stream behind Fairmont Gardens in Annandale. Fairfax County’s debris and litter-choked waterways need cleaning up, while people experiencing homelessness need job experience. That’s where Operation Stream Shield comes in. The program is a partnership of the county’s Stormwater Planning Division, other county agencies, … Continued

Holmes Run watershed in Falls Church is the site of a colonial plantation and military base
This was the site of the Dulin farmhouse in the 1700s. The wooded area along the upper section of Holmes Run near Providence RECenter in Falls Church was once a part of a slave-holding plantation in the 1700s. The Camp Alger military base was there in 1898. And in the 1920s, it was the site … Continued

Winter road salt pollutes waterways
VDOT crews use salt and plows to clear know off roads. [VDOT] Before the first snowstorm of the season hits, the public is urged to think twice about stocking up on road salt. Salt dumped on roads, sidewalks, and driveways to melt snow and ice seeps into waterways. Too much salt in streams can kill … Continued

Two sewer lines breaks this week in Mason District
Workers install a temporary bypass system to remove flow from a damaged sewer pipe on Braddock Road to allow inspection and repairs. [DPWES] There were two sewer line breaks in Mason District this week – one at Roundtree Park and one in Parklawn. The first one occurred at Roundtree Park Monday evening when an eight-inch … Continued

New environmental group will advocate for protection of Holmes Run waterway
Holmes Run overflowed its banks after torrential rains July 8. [Photos by Kris Unger] A newly formed organization, Friends of Holmes Run, plans to keep an eye on development at the Inova site on Gallows Road, at Fairview Parkway in Merrifield, and other sites near the Holmes Run waterway. “We are concerned about human impacts … Continued

Candidates for environmental board speak at forum
The NVSWCD was a partner on this stream restoration project in Annandale. Four people seeking an endorsement from the Fairfax County Democratic Committee to serve as directors of the Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District (NVSWCD) presented their views at a forum May 11. The committee will select three candidates to endorse on May … Continued

Oil spill affects Holmes Run
Ranck Updated, 5:35 p.m.: An oil spill on the Inova property on the 3200 block of Gallows Road on March 21 has contaminated Holmes Run. The Fairfax County Fire Department found approximately 3,700 gallons of diesel fuel had spilled out of some tanks, Battalion Chief Marty Ranck, with the department’s Hazardous Materials Response Team, reported … Continued

Committee rejects application for house on lot subject to flooding
Preliminary grading had already started on this lot on Woodlark Drive. In what could be seen as a major victory for the environment, the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Ordinance Exception Committee (ERC), agreed that a house should not be built on a vacant lot subject to flooding at 4104 Woodlark Drive in Annandale. The committee was … Continued