Tag: volunteers

Kids find gifts at Facets’ Sibling Shop
The holidays came a little early for some young residents of the Wedgewood apartments in Annandale. More than 100 kids showed up at the Sibling Shop, a program set up by Facets at the Wedgewood Community Center Dec. 15. Each child was invited to select a gift for a brother or sister, or if they … Continued

Troop 150 shines in Scouting for Food campaign
Thanks to the generous donations by Annandale residents and hard work by scouts and parent volunteers, Boy Scout Troop 150 and Cub Scout Pack 105 collected the most food during the Scouting for Food campaign in November among troops in the Old Dominion District The scouts in Troop/Pack 150, based at Annandale United Methodist Church, collected … Continued

Lions Club selling citrus fruit on Saturday
The Falls Church – Annandale Lions Club will be selling fresh navel oranges, grapefruits, juice oranges, mandarin oranges, and other items Saturday, Dec. 17, in the parking lot at the Annandale Swim and Tennis Club, 7530 Little River Turnpike, Annandale. The Lions will be there at 8:15 a.m. and will stay until everything is sold. … Continued

Hypothermia program helps the homeless survive the winter
The hypothermia program protects the homeless when the temperature drops.[FACETS] If you see someone out in the cold at night who looks like they might be homeless, contact the police non-emergency phone line, 703-691-2131, to get them into the county’s Hypothermia Prevention and Response Program. The program consists of a network of community providers, including … Continued

Santa’s Ride collects toys for children in the hospital
Santa’s route covers children in the hospital. Santa Claus will be making the rounds on a Harley instead of a reindeer-pulled sleigh next week as he picks up donated toys throughout Northern Virginia for hospitalized children. It’s the 28th year of the annual Santa’s Ride for Children, a project spearheaded by the Fairfax County Police … Continued

Volunteers take care of Thanksgiving for the elderly and disabled
2016 Thanksgiving Meals on Wheels volunteers (left to right): Mary Lee Di Spirito, Maribeth Luftglass, her sons David and Adam, and Don Di Spirito. While most local families enjoyed being together for a festive meal on Thanksgiving, some of our neighbors take some time out to make sure elderly and disabled people living alone would … Continued

Girl Scouts put up Little Free Library at Belvedere Elementary School
There’s a new Little Free Library in front of Belvedere Elementary School, thanks to the efforts of Girl Scout Cadette Troop 5308. The Scouts will be dedicating the tiny library to the Belvedere community on Tuesday, Nov. 15, 4 p.m., at the school, at 6540 Columbia Pike. The public is invited. Little Free Libraries have … Continued

Help Scouts collect food for the needy
Boy Scouts will be collecting food donations door-to-door Saturday morning, Nov. 12, to replenish food banks in the Annandale area. Scouting for Food is sponsored by the National Capital Area Council. Members of local Scout troops distributed plastic bags last week for local residents to fill with non-perishable groceries for needy families. These items are … Continued

Help a needy family enjoy the holidays
Members of the Key Club at Woodson High School organized a food drive in October to benefit Britepaths’ food pantry. [Britepaths] Make some room in your holiday celebration for helping a local family in need. Britepaths (the organization formerly known as Our Daily Bread) hosts an annual program to match potential donors who can provide … Continued

Lake Accotink donation box stolen
The donation box was by the marina. The donation box at Lake Accotink Park was stolen at some point during the early morning hours of Oct. 24. Thieves used power tools to cut the steel support post. The donation box had been installed in April 2014 by Friends of Lake Accotink Park (FLAP) to raise … Continued

Mason District Little League gets grant for field upgrades
MDLL teammates The Mason District Little League has been awarded a $10,000 Delta Dream grant from the Washington Nationals Dream Foundation. Delta Dream grants, sponsored by the Nationals’ corporate partner, Delta Air Lines, support youth baseball field capital improvements, among other programs. MDLL will use the funds to refurbish, repair, and upgrade the batting cages … Continued

Hurricane decimates clinic in Haiti supported by local volunteers
Chantal, Haiti, after Hurricane Matthew, a category 4 storm, struck the island in late September. The clinic in Chantal, Haiti, supported by medical personnel and volunteers from Northern Virginia has been hard-hit by Hurricane Matthew and is in desperate need of funds to rebuild. The nonprofit group We Care To Share,Chantal is raising funds … Continued

Rotary Club awards classic Mustang to raffle winner
David Feld (left), president of the Bailey’s Crossroads Rotary Club, presents the keys to s classic Mustang, a full-size one, to raffle winner John Magano. John Magano of Oak Hill, Va., won a 1966 classic Ford Mustang in the Bailey’s Crossroads Rotary Club’s annual raffle. The raffle drawing took place Sept. 25, and the club’s … Continued

Bring your dog to Dog Walk Fest
The first Dog Walk Fest in 2013. The public is invited to the Ravenwood Park neighborhood’s fourth annual Dog Walk Fest Sunday, Sept. 25, 2-3 p.m., in Seven Corners. Dog Walk Fest is a family-friendly, dog friendly event that raises money for the Lost Dog and Cat Rescue Foundation. It’s a great way to meet other … Continued

Bailey’s Crossroads Rotarians convert toy cars for children with disabilities
Young children with disabilities are now able to move themselves around their environment, thanks to the Bailey’s Crossroads Rotary Club’s support of the Go Baby Go program. Go Baby Go transforms the lives of children with mobility challenges by adapting Barbie cars and other battery-powered ride-on toy cars and four-wheelers for them. Several Bailey’s Crossroads … Continued