Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Worship Watch crime prevention program targets faith community

The Fairfax County Police Department is launching a program aimed at preventing crime at houses of worship by encouraging congregants to be more vigilant. Worship Watch is modeled after Neighborhood Watch, a crime-prevention program that encourages residents to be observant of their surroundings and report suspicious activity. The public is invited to a free workshop … Continued

Audrey Moore has some new friends

The organizational meeting for a new citizens’ group to advocate for improvements at Audrey Moore RECenter drew lots of support. About three dozen residents – and several county officials – came to a Feb. 5 meeting to explore the formation of a group called Friends of Audrey Moore RECenter (AMRC). Built in 1976, Audrey Moore … Continued

Congressional School celebrating 75th anniversary

It’s a big year for the Congressional Schools of Virginia: The elite private school on Sleepy Hollow Road in Mason District is celebrating its 75th anniversary. A series of celebrations is going on all year, says Chris Pryor, Congressional’s development director, with the main events – a golf tournament at the Reston National Golf Course … Continued

Any Fairfax County teen could become a sex trafficking victim

West Springfield High School students Alyssa Wenklar (left) and Kyra Beckman, are members of the Spartans Against Human Trafficking club. Any  teenager in Fairfax County could be at risk for becoming a victim of sex trafficking. It’s happened to youths from every school, ethnicity, and family income level, said Det. Bill Woolf during a program … Continued

Ryan McElveen to headline AHS Just World Festival

McElveen’s Happy New Year tweet. Popular Fairfax County school board member Ryan McElveen (at large) will be the keynote speaker at the 10th Annual Just World Festival Feb. 27 at Annandale High School. The free Friday afternoon event features workshops, exhibits, and entertainment aimed at promoting social activism among youths from the perspective: “It’s not … Continued

Police help needy family

McCaughey Officers from the Mason Police District made a difference this Christmas for needy family in the Culmore area.  Master Police Officer P. McCaughey learned of a family with no financial means to celebrate Christmas, so he encouraged his colleagues on the force and local churches to chip in and provide gifts and a Christmas … Continued

Volunteers needed for auxiliary police program

Auxiliary police officers. [Fairfax County photo] Did you dream of being a police officer when you were younger but for one reason or another, you ended up on a different career path? It’s not too late. The Fairfax County Police Department is seeking volunteers for its Auxiliary Police Officer  (APOG ) program. APOs don’t carry … Continued

Volunteers form friends group for Long Branch Stream Valley

Volunteers collect trash along the Long Branch trail Oct. 18. [LBSV photos] Volunteers from several Annandale and Fairfax neighborhoods created a new group, the Friends of Long Branch Stream Valley, to maintain the trail and address erosion, water quality management, invasive species removal, and related environmental issues. The 2.75-mile Long Branch trail follows the stream … Continued

Blanket drive assists Syrian refugees in Turkey

Blankets collected in 2013. Local governments and other organizations in Northern Virginia are again sponsoring a blanket drive to assist Syrian refugees seeking shelter in Turkey. More than a million Syrians have fled to Turkey to escape civil war and attacks by ISIS. The first blanket drive was held last year after several local government … Continued