Tag: volunteers

A great day for a bed race
A major Annandale tradition took place Saturday morning, the annual bed race, sponsored by the Annandale Chamber of Commerce, to benefit Virginia Special Olympics. The three finalists race down John Marr Drive Rep. Gerry Connolly (right) with the Beanetics team The Connolly-Beanetics team awarded plaques for finishing in second place. Supervisor Penny Gross … Continued

Fund set up in honor of Alexis Jackson
The family of Alexis Jackson, the Glasgow Middle School student killed in a tragic murder-suicide in March, have set up a fund for people to honor her memory. Donations will be used for a scholarship in her name for a senior in the SOAR Project at Yorktown High School and will be sent to Los … Continued
Golf tournament is Annandale HS PTSA’s biggest fundraiser
Time to loosen up those drivers, sharpen the wedges, and warm up the putters. Spring is in the air and that means the Annandale High School PTSA’s major fundraiser, the Red and White Golf Classic, is right around the corner, reports Rich Fruchterman, who is co-chairing the event with his wife, Sallie Williams. The tournament … Continued

Culmore Cleanup celebrates its 10th anniversary
Children pitch in at a previous Culmore Cleanup Day Hundreds of local volunteers will fan out across Bailey’s Crossroads April 28 to rid the area of litter and raise awareness about the value of keeping our communities and roadways trash-free. Come join them in the 10th Annual Culmore Cleanup. The event takes place 9 a.m.-noon … Continued

Diversity in Annandale: The dialogue continues
Rev. Brown About 50 people—community leaders, police officers, school and county officials, and local residents—spent Wednesday evening at Annandale High School exploring ways to improve civic engagement and develop leadership among Annandale’s diverse population. The event, coordinated by the Fairfax County Department of Neighborhood and Community Services, builds on the “dialogue on diversity” sessions held … Continued

Help Piney the cat recover from a weeklong ordeal and fall from a tree
Piney The 4Paws Rescue Team is seeking donations from the public to help finance the veterinary expenses for a cat that was rescued after spending seven days in a tree and then falling 75 feet to the ground. As a result of the fall, Piney’s leg was broken in several places, and her thorax was … Continued

Play ball! It’s registration time for Mason District Little League
Calling all kids age 4-12: Baseball season is starting. Registration for baseball and teeball is now open for the Mason District Little League (MDLL) spring season and will close on March 20. The MDLL is an all-volunteer organization that serves Annandale, Alexandria, and Falls Church. The first games will be April 14 at Mason District … Continued

Planning commissioner Alcorn selected FXCO Citizen of the Year; Annandale blogger honored, too
Alcorn The Fairfax County Federation of Citizens Associations has selected Planning Commission Vice President Walter Acorn as the 2011 Citizen of the Year. The federation is honoring Alcorn, a resident of Reston who has served as an at-large member of the Planning Commission since 1997, in recognition of his leadership in revising the county’s complex … Continued
Annandale Lions Club supports young musicians
Several talented youths were recognized Feb. 25 at the Annandale Lions Club’s annual Bland Music Scholarship Competition at the United Baptist Church of Annandale. Samantha Rose Williams, 17, a student at T.C. Williams High School, cinched the first-place prize in the vocal contest by singing “Your Daddy’s Son” from “Ragtime.” Charlotte Victoria Lewis, 15, of … Continued
AHS Mulch Madness supports safe graduation celebration
You can help your garden and support the Annandale High School All-Night Graduation Celebration at the same time by taking part in the AHS Mulch Madness fundraiser. The annual celebration is a supervised, alcohol-free, fun event for graduating seniors. Sixty-pound bags of high-quality, shredded, dark brown hardwood mulch (three cubic feet) are $5 each. The … Continued

Public urged to ‘Stuff the Bus’ with food for the needy
The 2011 Stuff the Bus campaign [photo from the Office of Public Private Partnerships] The Stuff the Bus food drive, aimed at helping restock local food pantries for the needy, will be in our area this Saturday. The initiative is managed the Fairfax County Neighborhood and Community Services department and the Office of Public Private … Continued

Lake Barcroft explores aging-in-place network
Who wouldn’t want to retire in a place like Lake Barcroft? As people age and find it more difficult to take care of themselves and their homes, they usually have to rely on family and friends, hire a caretaker, move to a retirement community, or, eventually, into an assisted living facility. Residents of Lake Barcroft … Continued

Illegal dumping is a huge problem in Annandale parks
Trash found in the woods near Medford Drive, Annandale By Elizabeth Kirchner A drippy stack of soiled mattresses, spackle buckets brimming with larvae, dented metal drums seeping something you can smell. A mound of rotting baby clothes. This is what you’ll find in the maple and oak forests along Accotink Creek. This stream valley is … Continued
AARP volunteers provide free tax assistance
AARP volunteers are providing free walk-in assistance with federal and state taxes at the Mason District Government Center beginning today and continuing through April 17, this year’s deadline for federal tax returns. The AARP volunteers will be available Mondays and Thursdays,1-8 p.m.; Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m.; and Saturdays, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. The … Continued

Annandale volunteer named Washingtonian of the Year
Washingtonian magazine has named Annandale resident Hecda Cuadros as one of eight “Washingtonians of the Year.” The magazine singled out Cuadros for her volunteer efforts for Food for Others, Northern Virginia’s largest distributor of food to the needy, and her work to represent the interests of abused and neglected children in court as a Fairfax … Continued