Tag: West End

Duke St. ramps at Van Dorn to close for eight months
Correction – The eastbound Duke Street to Van Dorn Street ramp and the Van Dorn Street to eastbound Duke Street ramp will be closed to all traffic from Dec. 30 to Aug. 1, 2025, not the entire road, as previously reported. The road closure is necessary to accommodate the installation of roadway infrastructure associated with … Continued

New details emerge on West End project
New details emerged on the huge West End mixed-use redevelopment at the former Landmark Mall site in Alexandria. At a recent meeting of the Eisenhower West Landmark Van Dorn Implementation Advisory Group, a representative of the developer, Foulger-Pratt, revealed the names of some of the projects within the site: the Brightly, the Aspect, and Thrive. … Continued

Mixed-use project coming to West End
Construction is expected to start by the end of the year on the Upland Park mixed-use development in the West End of Alexandria. The project, at Seminary Road and N. Beauregard Street, will include 401 multifamily units, 92 townhouses, 8,470 square feet of ground-level retail, and a hotel with 171 rooms. Related story: Major redevelopment … Continued

Major redevelopment project to start soon in the Landmark area
Demolition is expected to start around the end of the year on a redevelopment project across Route 236 from the future development at Landmark Mall. The project called Overlook at West End, will consist of 86 condos, 362 apartments in two seven-story buildings, retail, and an office building or hotel, says Chris Bell, project manager … Continued

Here’s what West End will look like
Foulger-Pratt, the company developing West End in Alexandria, shared illustrations of some of the proposed buildings at a community meeting June 14. West End is the residential and commercial section of the redevelopment project on the site of the former Landmark Mall, which is being demolished. A huge area of the 51-acre property will be … Continued

Landmark project rebranded as ‘West End’
The mixed-use project to be developed at the former Landmark Mall site will be rebranded “WestEnd Alexandria.” The Foulger-Pratt development company plans to formally announce the new name Jan. 31, reports Marketing Director Courtney Williams. Related story: Alexandria City Council approves Landmark project The new name reflects the project’s location in Alexandria’s West End. It … Continued