Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

BoS urges Youngkin to oppose Trump’s attacks on federal workers

The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors on March 4 approved a letter to Gov. Youngkin urging him to step up for Virginians affected by the Trump administration’s actions to slash the size of the federal government. “We urge the governor to take action to prevent further attacks on Virginia’s federal workers and private sector contractors,” … Continued

Youngkin vetoes bills on marijuana sales, firearms, and the minimum wage

Virginia’s Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin has vetoed numerous bills that had been Democratic priorities, including measures to establish a retail marijuana market, to increase the minimum wage, and to address gun violence. In vetoing the marijuana bill, Youngkin cited concerns about children’s health and safety. Currently, Virginia allows adults to possess small amounts of marijuana, … Continued

Students walk out to protest governor’s anti-trans policies

Students across Virginia walked out of class Sept. 27 to protest Gov. Glenn Younkin’s new model policies on transgender students. The walkouts were organized by the Pride Liberation Project, a student-led coalition of LGBTQIA+ students working to create safe, inclusive, and equitable schools. Students at 22 Fairfax County schools participated, including Annandale, Falls Church, Justice, … Continued

LGBTQ advocates blast Youngkin’s policy to roll back protections for trans students

LGBTQ advocates are up in arms over Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s policy to roll back the rights of transgender and nonbinary students. They say the policy, which Youngkin touts as pro-parent, denigrates these students, will disrupt families, and will lead to more mental health problems among this population. Students outed without consent The “model policies,” … Continued

Youngkin attacks public schools

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin and other Republican state leaders came down hard against public education at a back-to-school rally for GOP congressional candidates Aug. 31 at Mason District Park in Annandale. The key message at the event is that parents, not school administrators, teacher unions, or “radical politicians,” should have control over their children’s education. … Continued

Youngkin pursues right-wing agenda

Virginia Gov. Glenn Younkin’s legislative priorities call for diverting funds from public schools to charter schools, banning critical race theory, restricting voting, and promoting massive tax cuts. The following bills and budget amendments introduced in the General Assembly are part of Youngkin’s “Day One Agenda.” Education The Board of Education or a local school board … Continued

Statewide conflict brews over masks

When students go back to class this week, some parents will be telling their kids to disregard Fairfax County Public Schools’ requirement that masks be worn indoors. Parents opposed to masks feel empowered by Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s Jan. 15 executive order giving parents the authority to defy the statewide school mask mandate. A group of … Continued

Youngkin selects former school board member Elizabeth Schultz for state office

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin has selected former Fairfax County School Board member Elizabeth Schultz as assistant superintendent of public instruction. As a school board member, Schultz opposed including gender identity and sexual orientation in non-discrimination policies and was an outspoken advocate against efforts to support transgender students. Her Twitter account ThinkSchultz – which has been … Continued

FCPS defies Youngkin’s mask policy

Fairfax County Public Schools is continuing to require students and staff to wear masks in school in defiance of Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s executive order ending universal mask mandates. Executive Order 2, issued by Youngkin Jan. 15, states “The parents of any child enrolled in an elementary or secondary school or a school-based early childcare and … Continued