Tag: youths

Lacrosse league protests field cancelations
Annandale Youth Lacrosse, a program under the umbrella of the Annandale Boys & Girls Club, had already had a game schedule approved for this spring, then learned three of their dates were canceled without warning. The league is fighting back. The league submitted their permit applications in September and were given a schedule on Feb. … Continued

TJ students invent a cheaper braille reader for the blind
Two juniors at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology have invented a device that makes it easier and more affordable for blind people to read braille. Anush Devkar and Ansh Malhotra gave a presentation on their device, Braillesense, at MIT in October. They were invited to demonstrate Braillesense at a research conference at … Continued

Teen Advocates educate their peers on healthy relationships
Dozens of teens from across Fairfax County gathered at the Minnie Peyton Community Center in Bailey’s Crossroads on Feb. 6 to talk about the differences between healthy and abusive dating relationships. The youths, members of the Fairfax County Teen Advocates, decorated the walls with posters they had created, presented speeches, and organized activities for their … Continued

GoFundMe campaigns support families of plane crash victims
A GoFundMe campaign has been established to help the extended Zhou family cope with the loss of competitive figure skater Edward Zhou, age 16, and his parents Kaiyan Mao and Yu “Joe” Zhou of Annandale. The three family members were returning from an ice-skating program in Wichita, Kan., on American Airlines flight 5342 when it … Continued

TIME names Woodson student and scientist ‘kid of the year’
TIME magazine has named Woodson High School student Heman Bekele the 2024 “Kid of the Year.”

The St. James launches an academic program for elite student athletes
Families with elite student-athletes struggling to find time for practices, training, and school now have a solution. The St. James, the sports complex on Industrial Road in the Springfield area of Mason District, will offer an academic program, beginning next fall, integrated with students’ athletic schedules. The facility has formed a partnership with the TPH … Continued

Police educate Culmore residents about fentanyl abuse
Fentanyl is a huge problem in the Culmore area, so the Culmore and Bailey’s Crossroads Place-Based Initiative hosted an information session for residents on May 7, which happened to be Fentanyl Awareness Day. Fentanyl is most commonly seen in that area in the form of pills, said MPO Stacy Sassano, the crime prevention officer at … Continued

Celebration of Acceptance offers mental health resources to LGBTQ youths
A Celebration of Acceptance at the James Lee Community Center on May 3 focused on mental health awareness and inclusion, particularly for LGBTQ+ youths. That’s critical because students in that community are more likely to be bullied, contemplate suicide, and struggle with mental health issues. The event, hosted by the Community Service Board’s (CSB) Equity … Continued

TJ students find deeper meanings in ‘The SpongeBob Musical’
Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology invites the community to see “The SpongeBob Musical.” Performances are scheduled for Feb. 2, 3, 9, and 10 at 7 p.m. and Feb. 3 and 10 at 2 p.m. Tickets can be purchased at tjtheaterarts.com or at the door. By Asha Das and Sohana Bahl Get ready … Continued

Town hall at Justice High School addresses fentanyl overdoses
Parents need to establish strong bonds with their kids and talk to them about the dangers of fentanyl, school officials advised during a town hall on drug abuse Jan. 8 hosted by the Justice High School PTSA. “Kids are dying,” said PTSA President Kim Lanoue, referring to Justice 10th-grader Madeline Valeria Mora Centeno, who died … Continued

‘Hidden in Plain Sight’ program will shine a light on teens’ risky behavior
A “Hidden in Plain Sight” program, scheduled for Jan. 8 at Annandale High School, could help save a youth’s life. The program, hosted by the PTSA and presented by Fairfax County Police officers, will advise parents and others who work with teens to recognize red flags indicating risky behavior, such as drug and alcohol use, … Continued

Nonprofit for foster kids moves to Annandale
UMFS, a statewide nonprofit that provides services to at-risk children, relocated its Northern Virginia office last week to a space inside the Annandale United Methodist Church on Columbia Pike. The organization helps find foster parents for children who’ve been removed from their birth parents, trains foster parents to help children who’ve experienced trauma, and helps … Continued

The Police Department invites youths to become Public Safety Cadets
Teens interested in law enforcement careers are invited to apply for the Fairfax County Police Department’s Public Safety Cadets program. Students and family members can learn more at a “First Nighter” informational meeting hosted by Unit 505 at Annandale High School (4700 Medford Drive) on Monday, Sept. 11, at 7 p.m. The program is open … Continued

Students invited to join the Youth Conservation Leadership Institute
Students in grades 9-12 are invited to apply for the Youth Conservation Leadership Institute, a program of the Virginia Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts. The institute focuses on volunteer service, environmental stewardship, and leadership. It runs from October to June. Participating students will develop and implement a project of their choosing with assistance … Continued

Annandale Boys & Girls Club gets $20,000 worth of new technology from Cox
The Annandale Boys & Girls Club has a bunch of new technology, thanks to a $20,000 grant from Cox Communications. The Cox Innovation Lab will be used by children and teens in the afterschool programs operated by the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Washington (BGCGW) in the new Annandale Community Center at 7851-B Heritage … Continued