Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Lacrosse league protests field cancelations

Annandale Youth Lacrosse, a program under the umbrella of the Annandale Boys & Girls Club, had already had a game schedule approved for this spring, then learned three of their dates were canceled without warning. The league is fighting back. The league submitted their permit applications in September and were given a schedule on Feb. … Continued

Teen Advocates educate their peers on healthy relationships

Dozens of teens from across Fairfax County gathered at the Minnie Peyton Community Center in Bailey’s Crossroads on Feb. 6 to talk about the differences between healthy and abusive dating relationships. The youths, members of the Fairfax County Teen Advocates, decorated the walls with posters they had created, presented speeches, and organized activities for their … Continued

‘Hidden in Plain Sight’ program will shine a light on teens’ risky behavior

A “Hidden in Plain Sight” program, scheduled for Jan. 8 at Annandale High School, could help save a youth’s life. The program, hosted by the PTSA and presented by Fairfax County Police officers, will advise parents and others who work with teens to recognize red flags indicating risky behavior, such as drug and alcohol use, … Continued

Nonprofit for foster kids moves to Annandale

UMFS, a statewide nonprofit that provides services to at-risk children, relocated its Northern Virginia office last week to a space inside the Annandale United Methodist Church on Columbia Pike. The organization helps find foster parents for children who’ve been removed from their birth parents, trains foster parents to help children who’ve experienced trauma, and helps … Continued

Students invited to join the Youth Conservation Leadership Institute

Students in grades 9-12 are invited to apply for the Youth Conservation Leadership Institute, a program of the Virginia Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts. The institute focuses on volunteer service, environmental stewardship, and leadership. It runs from October to June. Participating students will develop and implement a project of their choosing with assistance … Continued