Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

The 3A bus serving Annandale could be eliminated

The 3A bus in Falls Church. [Shane Ramkissoon]

The proposal states the 3A route is targeted for elimination because of “low ridership.” The 3A Metrobus route in Annandale could be eliminated if the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Board approves a budget proposal that also includes many other bus route changes and fare hikes.  

The 3A bus connects Patriot Drive/Americana Drive and the East Falls Church Metro station. It has 47 stops on Heritage Drive, Little River Turnpike, Annandale Road, and other streets.

The recommendations were part of a draft $2.09 billion budget submitted by WMATA General Manager Paul Wiedenfeld to the WMATA board in November.

On. Jan. 16, the board agreed to hold at least two public hearings on the budget proposal at point before the board is expected to adopt a budget in March. The route changes would take effect this summer. 

The hearings will include an open house during which members of the public will have a chance to talk to Metrobus officials about the proposed route changes, says WMATA spokesperson Ron Holzer.

The draft
budget proposal would increase bus fares 25 cents for anyone, including
seniors, who pays with cash or fare cards. The weekly bus pass would be reduced from
$15 to $12.

Among other
bus route changes, WMATA is considering restructuring the 7Y route (Lincolnia-North
Fairlington). The part of the route between the Pentagon and Farragut Square
would be eliminated.

service would be added to
 and 7F;
buses would run every 30 minutes on Sundays.

For route
 (Columbia Pike), WMATA would eliminate the part of the
route between the Pentagon and downtown D.C.

Morning service for route 16Y (Columbia Pike-Farragut Square) could be extended
one hour to 10 a.m., and evening service could be extended one hour to 8:15

Another proposal
calls for route
28A (Leesburg Pike) to run
every 20 minutes all weekend.

The proposed WMATA budget also would include a 15-cent increase in base
rush-hour fares for Metrorail, raising the minimum fare to $2.40. The top rush hour fare would
increase from $6 to $7. Weekend fares would be capped at $2.

Early-morning weekday service on Metro would be reduced from every
eight minutes to every 12 minutes between 5 and 6 a.m. 

Metro hours would be extended to midnight Monday through Thursday
and until 2 a.m. on Friday and Saturday nights. 

Comments or complaints about Metrobus and Metrorail can be submitted here.

7 responses to “The 3A bus serving Annandale could be eliminated

  1. thats messed up.!..the 3A is such a crucial route…its never crowded like the other routes, they always use the nice newer buses on the 3A and it takes you right to the subway with the quickness….peace to the Understanding Allah bus

  2. This forces many to have to endure the endless construction on Columbia Pike. Why don't they extend the 3A back to Rosslyn during that construction project? This really will impact many people trying to get to work.

  3. I can only got that they will keep the route active at least during rush hour times. Buses high the morning and evening are generally at least 3/4 full.

  4. Wmata should extend the bus from its existing terminal to Inova via 495. This will probably increase the ridership.

  5. I think it should resume its original service to Rosslyn so commuters don't have to endure the backups on Columbia Pike with all the construction there. Since East Falls Church Metro will be closing for the summer that would help out tremendously.

  6. Ridership on the 3A is far from low during the morning and evening commutes. Please click on the link in the post above to ask Metro to keep this bus route. The more people who speak up, the better chance we have of saving the route.

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