Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Virginia governor supports marijuana legalization

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam supports the legalization of marijuana for recreational use by adults.

“It’s time to legalize marijuana in Virginia,” Northam said Nov. 16. “Our commonwealth has an opportunity to be the first state in the South to take this step, and we will lead with a focus on equity, public health, and public safety.”

The governor’s office is working with lawmakers to finalize legislation in advance of the 2021 General Assembly session. 

A report by the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission says a legalized commercial market for marijuana could generate $31 million to $62 million in sale tax revenue, depending on demand and the tax rate during the first year of sales. By the fifth year, marijuana sales could produce $154 million to $308 million in tax revenue. 

The report also predicts a commercial marijuana market could eventually create 11,000 to 18,000 jobs. 

Fifteen states have legalized marijuana. That includes New Jersey, Arizona, South Dakota, and Montana, which approved legalization during the 2020 election. 

Under Virginia current law, African Americans are arrested and convicted for marijuana use at more than three times the rate of white Virginians, Northam said. As a result, he said, legislation should undo those harms by including such initiatives as social equity license programs, access to capital, community reinvestment, and expunging records of past marijuana-related convictions.

Northam also said the legislation should include age limits, mandatory ID checks, and substance abuse prevention efforts in schools and communities.

Earlier this year, Northam signed legislation that decriminalized simple marijuana possession in Virginia. Previously, the maximum fine was $500 and a 30-day jail sentence for a first offense. Under the new law, simple possession is a civil penalty of no more than $25.

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