Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Fairfax County is getting more diverse and multiracial

Data from the 2020 Census, released Aug. 12, show Fairfax County is continuing to become more diverse and more multiracial.   

The Census is critically important, as it will be used to determine congressional districts and the amount of federal funding allocated to states and localities. The data will inform the redistricting effort underway in Virginia and the adjustment of supervisory districts in Fairfax County. 

Fairfax Countyā€™s population grew by 68,583 in the last 10 years, from 1,081,726 in 2010 to 1,150,309 in 2020.

Related story: Public can have a say in Virginia redistricting effort

In other data: 

  • The number of people of Hispanic/Latino origin in Fairfax County grew by 18.3 percent in the last 10 years ā€“ from 15.6 percent of the countyā€™s population in 2010 to 17.3 percent in 2020. 
  • The Asian-American population in Fairfax County increased by 23.9 percent, from 17.5 percent in 2010 to 20.4 percent in 2020. 
  • Fairfax County has the second-largest Asian-American population out of 133 localities in Virginia.
  • The Black/African-American population in Fairfax County increased from 9.2 percent in 2010 to 9.6 percent in 2020. 
  • The population of Whites in the county decreased 16.1 percent from 62.7 percent in 2010 to 49.5 percent in 2020. 
  • The number of people who identified as White in combination with another race or ethnicity increased by 220.4 percent since the 2010 Census, from 37,457 to 120,027. 
  • People in Fairfax County who identified themselves as being of two more races increased 195 percent, from 43,915 in 2010 to 129,550 in 2020. 
  • For the Annandale zip code (22003), the 2020 Census reports a total population of 43,363, up from 41,008 in 2010. 
  • The Baileyā€™s Crossroads zip code (22041) saw an increase from 23,643 in 2010 to 24,749 in 2020.
  • Approximately 6.0 percent of residents in Fairfax County have incomes below the poverty line.
  • The median household income is $124,831 in Fairfax County as a whole, $96,533 in Annandale, and $66,996 in Baileyā€™s Crossroads.

Related story: Fairfax County board appoints committee charged with redrawing supervisory districts

37 responses to “Fairfax County is getting more diverse and multiracial

  1. some of my favorite thinga in American Diversity:
    1. You're not really diverse unless you brag about it
    2. You only get woke rights if you can brag and scream about "how diverse you are"
    3. diversity is good and all, but NIMBY, keep these poor ppl away from me, secluded in poor ghetto's and specific areas.

    don't sell me this diversity crap, FF is a reach country that only cares about maintaining it's reach population.

  2. What many do not want to talk about is that many of the white people who fled to Loudoun County claim to celebrate diversity, but went their to re-achieve the quality of life that they were used to before diversity changed it in Fairfax County. They did not want to deal with some of the issues caused by low income immigrants and illegals.

    1. Perhaps I did not state my comment as clearly as I should have after working a long day, but this is where both of you should have asked what I meant rather than assuming what you did, making you both the ignorant ones. You both demonstrated what is wrong with our society today – people jumping to conclusions, without first having a discussion. I simply was making the point that I know many people who have left for Loudoun County citing the reasons that I stated. That is fact. I was trying, albeit perhaps poorly, to show that many who claim to celebrate diversity are hypocrites. Shame on both of you for calling me names before you had a discussion with me.

    2. Your comment states white people fled the county to get back to what they had before it became "diverse" and somehow I'm the one jumping to conclusions?

      Also, complains about not having a "discussion" about their comment as they post anonymously to a blog.

  3. Unfortunately diversity in Fairfax means: filthy and unkempt roadways, boarding houses, poor school performance, heightened crime, a diminishing standard of living and quality of life, lower incomes, lower tax revenue, overwhelmed social services, middle class flight and increased poverty.

    So what is good about this? Diversity is good when its balanced. It is not balanced in Fairfax County, it is a free for all. Shame on our leaders that hide behind diversity to get elected. Diversity ideally means embracing other cultures. It does not mean leaving the door open to allow every piece of crap in to live here and accept the consequences. Unfortunately that is Fairfax County's definition of diversity.

    1. I generally like a commenting system that allows for a free and open discussion, but I am curious as to what calling members of my community "piece[s] of crap" provides to that discussion. I will have to allow the confusion, fear, and misinformation to go unanswered, but I remain sad that this blog is the recipient of such an endless stream of misplaced hate.

    2. Although I agree that the term "piece of crap" is inappropriate, the first part of that comment in spot on. The comment does capture the anger that many people feel in Fairfax County feel about the deterioration in the quality of life here. It is frustrating that this deterioration is not the result of some random or organic process but rather government policies and inaction that favor people who skirt or outright break the law. Moreover, if you think that only white people feel this frustration, with all due respect, you are quite mistaken.

      On a related note, it's not just that people are leaving for Loudoun County. Virginia is experiencing a net outflow of people fed up with transportation gridlock, high cost of living (especially housing), and the conditions noted in the comment above. Don't think it is just old people, either. The first in solving a problem is to admit you have one and to define it clearly. It is unfortunate that some people use extreme language but the fact is that we have a major problem with immigration, policing, social, and zoning policies that favor low income, low skilled people, many of them in the country illegally. Like I said previously, it's one thing if stuff just happens — that's life — but it's another altogether when the government seems to be stacking the deck against you.

    3. Thank you James for calling out Anonymous @ 8/15/21, 5:12 PM's bigotry. It is not welcome.

      Some of the things listed are valid concerns, and indeed ones I share (school performance, boarding houses, heightened crime, overwhelmed social services, and increased poverty), but to go blame the above on our diversity is just flat out bigotry.

      Our diversity is a strength, not a weakness. Full stop.

    4. Trite phrases such as 'our diversity is our strength' sound very noble but at best are a feature of a place, not something that makes a place stronger. Diversity in and of itself is not a strength because it emphasizes what makes us different rather than what unifies us. Many people are fed up with unkempt, overcrowded houses, trash strewn wherever someone happens to be driving, and the government turning a blind eye towards people flaunting the law and living here illegally. Most of them are not racist, but they are lamenting the loss of what used to unify us, from small things such as keeping a nice house and holding that cup from the convenience store till you get home to overarching themes such as patriotism, the Constitution and sovereignty, and even a common language.
      This county is very different from what it was 36 years ago when I moved here. Yes, it is much more diverse, but that in and of itself does not make it better or worse. Until people come together with shared commonalities instead of calling each other names, pointing out one group as the cause of all the problems, or simply reveling in diversity, it will continue to be a decisive and increasingly less desirable place to be.

    5. This is just another example of government not doing the basics and NOT governing for its tax paying citizens.

    6. Thank you for recommending a fascinating book written by a staunch socialist and academic. Socialism and Marxism have such a wonderful history of celebrating diversity, especially in thought! I too have a book to recommend – 1984 by George Orwell. While people fret about their fragility and other imagined problems the nightmare detailed in the book is quickly coming true. Also, what does 'anon' have to do with the discourse above? Lumping roughly 60-million American citizens who's opinion differs from yours into a shadow group of conspiracy theorists is baffling and a pretty lame way to argue your position.

    7. Anon is how you refer to someone that is anonymous. If you create an account with a name, or any other way to identify you I'd be happy to use another moniker. Relax.

    8. Oh I bet. Canā€™t be fun seeing that. Youā€™ve probably taken a few of mine down that might have been after a few martinis, I ainā€™t offended šŸ™‚

  4. Holy crap, some of the people that read this blog are straight trash. If seeing more brown people has made you're quality of life worse, the rest of us won't miss you when you flee to West Virginia.

    1. Dude use your brain that God gave you. Trash comes in all colors. brown, black, yellow, red, white, man color doesn't matter. If you like living in a declining impovshed area, Detroit is giving away houses.

    2. Fairfax is one of the riches counties in the country. But keep telling me how it's impoverished (or impovshed, as you like to say).

      And if you really thought that trash comes in all colors, you wouldn't be commenting about how increased diversity is bad for Fairfax.

  5. So I guess now I am officially in a minority. Hello all white people time to cash in on all the benefits.

    1. Yes! Great point Anon 1:27 PM. I can't wait until I can scream about white lives matter and how oppressed I am. Give me free stuff now!!!

  6. Haha, I knew exactly what was going to be in the comments section before I even clicked.

    Stop blaming growing inequality and crumbling infrastructure on non-white people. I know it is impossible for many commenters on this blog to get past their implicit racism or even understand it, but brown people are not the ones deteriorating your precious "community". It's the product of your selfish NIMBYism, a "fuck everyone else, I got mine" attitude that is deteriorating Fairfax County. It is this behavior that is widening the gap between those that have wealth and those that do not.

    As much as you all would like to we cannot just forcibly displace poor people from the county. We need to figure out an equitable solution that tackles growing poverty, and sitting in your fiefdoms seeking to destroy any type of progress is making our issues worse. God forbid you should have to sacrifice even a miniscule amount to better the lives of the County at large.

    Don't blame brown people. You are the problem.

    1. Can't agree with you more! All these wealthy Annandale people complaining about 'brown' people are the worst! Most of these people probably live in large mansions and make so much money they don't even know what to do with it. They've never struggled a day in their lives because they have white privilege. They probably don't even pay taxes because they're so rich they can exploit loopholes. Imagine, having a house in a neighborhood that was just handed to them and yet they complain about 12 cars parked at the neighbor's house or whatever. So glad you put this so simply and even threw in the F-bomb – you have it figured out!
      Ok, I am going to go back to my parent's basement and loath myself for the rest of the day.

    2. LOL

      You are so correct, i bet some commenters here may really feel bad about it.
      IDK, maybe throw a sad "equality rally" followed by overly priced tickets for "Celebrate diversity" closed celebration around their lake houses.


    3. Anon 12;25 and 11:50, Just take care of your damn property, clean up after yourselves and contribute to the welfare of the community and we will all shut up,

    4. To add to what the commenter said above: stop parking your cars on your front lawns. A considerate neighbor is a good neighbor. If all the diverse people want acceptance, as they should, then they, the new comers need to show respect to their new home and countryman and follow some of the historical mores. Treating your front yard like somewhat of a desert, weed patch or a junk yard does not help the cause for gaining acceptance.

    5. There are plenty – oh so many – non-immigrant families that park on their grass, put their furniture in the yard, and all those other heinous actions you decry. Fewer in Fairfax but Virginia? Just travel around the Commonwealth. Heck, I will show you a bunch right here in Annandale.

    6. That is ridiculous. I could drive around the area and spot every house that is occupied and sometimes by many new immigrants in Mason area. The survey would score about 90% accuracy.

      The liberals don't want to admit it because they dont want to come to terms that they are wrong. In general its those who live in the better high income neighborhoods like Sleepy Hollow and Lake Barcroft that are blinded by their economically insular communities. I never saw so many BLM signs in LB compared to other neighborhoods. Its a joke!

    7. I'll be the first to call out the two-faced nature of Democrats around here, because they are part of the problem as well. At least the conservatives aren't lying to themselves about their position.

      You lot constantly call Annandale a "dump"; complaining about crime and degradation. "Not another hookah bar!". Ridiculous. Fearing your suspicious immigrant neighbors that won't assimilate to the culture you define as acceptable. As though you get to dictate how they should live their lives. The world doesn't revolve around you and your property value.

      If you want to complain that this place is a "dump", then help us make it not a "dump". Don't staunchly oppose zMOD and ALUs. Don't wince in fear when a proposed needle-exchange site is within a mile of your home. These are measures that are trying to solve a problem and ultimately make Mason District a better place for everyone who lives here, not just a select few.

  7. The comments above are just another example of the systemic and casual racism and classism that one of our political parties nurtures as a core ethos.

    The quality of life in Fairfax County is superb. Arguably on the higher end of the scale across the entire planet. Statements suggesting otherwise are not grounded in reality. But the other side not living in reality these days seems to be a feature, not a bug, of the media environment.

    The operator of this site should consider their culpability in this regard for continuing to allow people to post anonymously.

    1. Agree with much of your sentiments Joe. I have thought the same in the past regarding the Anonymous posts as well, but now I'm coming to belief that it is actually not the worst thing that these are allowed to be published.

      I know some conservatives that deny that widespread racism exists today, and these kind of posts offer further proof of just how far we still have to go on eradicating the plague of racism.

  8. Also, against my better inside instincts, to respond to the trolls complaining about other peoples yards, I'm sure everyone, everyone of you would say that you hold private property rights in the highest esteem. And yet here you are complaining about all the things that aren't private property rights, that you almost certainly vote against, whenever given the opportunity.

  9. Amusing how all of the white wokesters who post here are continually triggered by the cold hard truth. After your diversity, inclusion and equity rally, please head to your safe space and cry yourself to sleep.

    1. Very true. If individuals are triggered, let them volunteer to house these individuals (fill up your homes) and pay 100& of your discretionary income in taxes or give 100% of your discretionary income to these refugees/illegal immigrants. Why haven't you done so? Because you are fake and ideologically ignorant.

  10. This is a disaster. The taxpayers will continue to pay for more people coming into the community that cannot take care of themselves or that need some sort of assistance. At some point, enough is enough. Additionally, we must understand that the same way we don't have unlimited budgets personally, we certainly don't have unlimited budgets from a county/city/state perspective. But liberals are spending as it this is the case…..the taxpayer will be screwed in the end. We keep paying more in taxes and we are NOT getting anything for it.

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