Tag: infrastructure

Fairfax County will remove nine homes to reduce flooding from Tripps Run
A major stream restoration project at Tripps Run is expected to reduce flooding in the Bel Air neighborhood in Falls Church.

Funds approved for Seven Corners Ring Road
The Northern Virginia Transportation Authority adopted a FY 2024-29 Six Year Program that includes funds for the Seven Corners Ring Road and Braddock Road improvements.

Funding requested for Seven Corners intersection improvements
The Northern Virginia Transportation Authority is seeking public comments on 24 projects, including the Seven Corners ring road. The projects were proposed by nine jurisdictions vying to have their priorities included in the NVTA’s six-year regional plan for FY 2024-29. Comments on individual projects can be submitted until May 19. After the public engagement … Continued

VDOT announces repaving program
The Virginia Department of Transportation’s 2024 repaving plan includes these projects in the Annandale/Mason District area: The Fairfax County Department of Transportation has scheduled a virtual meeting for April 11, 7 p.m., on paving and bike lane projects in the Braddock, Mason, and Springfield districts. Join the meeting on Teams here. FCDOT projects in the … Continued

Dominion to expand substation
Dominion Energy plans to start work on upgrading the Westcott Substation in late spring. The facility is on the Holmes Run Stream Valley trail near Rose Lane Park in Annandale. Dominion crews will install new technology and expand a portion of the fenced station area by approximately 57 by 70 feet. There will be increased … Continued

VDOT upgrades bridge over I-395
The Virginia Department of Transportation has completed the rehabilitation of the bridge on Duke Street over Interstate 395 in the Lincolnia area. The contractor, Martins Construction of Falls Church, replaced the concrete bridge deck and beams, upgraded the westbound sidewalk to a shared-use path, and widened the eastbound sidewalk. Funding for the $16.4 million project … Continued

Ravensworth water main to be replaced
Fairfax Water plans to replace the water main under Ravensworth Road in Annandale, beginning in mid-August. The project will roughly extend from St. Michael’s Lane to Brook Hills Drive. During construction, Fairfax Water will maintain traffic flow and ensure affected residents have access to their driveways. There might be temporary lane closures and parking restrictions. … Continued

VDOT to redo King Arthur Road Bridge
The Virginia Department of Transportation is preparing to rehabilitate the bridge on King Arthur Road over Accotink Creek and the Cross County Trail. The bridge is in the Camelot neighborhood in Annandale. VDOT will replace the entire bridge deck slab, all supporting steel beams and bearings, pier caps, and the tops of columns. The existing sidewalk … Continued

Upgrade planned for Mason Police Station
Fairfax County is preparing to carry out a $15-20 million renovation and expansion of the Mason District Police Station. The project includes an 8,000-square-foot addition and reconfiguration of the interior space, according to a presentation by Kamal Mohey of the Capital Facilities office and Rod Williams, an architect at Dewberry at the Feb. 28 meeting … Continued

Dominion substation to be expanded
Dominion Energy is planning to upgrade and expand the Westcott Substation, located along the Holmes Run Stream Valley Trail between the Valley Brook and Broyhill Crest neighborhoods. Max Payeur and Andrew Tull of Dominion described the project at a meeting of the Mason District Land Use Committee on Feb. 28. The substation was built in … Continued

VDOT recommends improvements for key intersections on Braddock Road
The Virginia Department of Transportation has come up with recommendations for improvements to three critical intersections on Braddock Road. Those proposals, announced at a community meeting Nov. 29, are part of the Braddock Road Multimodal Project, which is aimed at reducing traffic flow and making the corridor safer for pedestrians and bicyclists. In May 2021, … Continued

County seeks more funding for Seven Corners ring road
The failure of the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority to fully fund the Seven Corners ring road will not delay the project, says project manager Nanditha Paradkar with the Fairfax County Department of Transportation. The ring road is a massive effort to reduce congestion by creating a road around the Leesburg Pike/Arlington Boulevard/Wilson Boulevard intersection. Funding … Continued

Transportation officials consider solutions for pedestrian safety on Route 7
State and local officials are considering quick fixes to improve pedestrian safety on Leesburg Pike in Bailey’s Crossroads but actual long-term solutions are years away. At a virtual meeting of Fairfax Families for Safe Streets (FX-FSS) June 6, John Lynch, VDOT’s Northern Virginia district engineer, said his office is looking at several short-term solutions, such … Continued

Lake Accotink trail project to start soon
Construction is set to begin this summer on the Lake Accotink Dam Stream Crossing Project, the Fairfax County Park Authority reports. The project involves 300 linear feet of asphalt trail improvements and 325 linear feet on an elevated concrete pedestrian crossing over the dam outfall in Lake Accotink Park in Springfield. The Park Authority contracted … Continued

VDOT announces 2022 road paving plan
The Virginia Department of Transportation will repave dozens of roads in the Mason District area this year, mostly in the Sleepy Hollow, Sleepy Hollow Woods, Annalee, Westlawn, and Jefferson communities. A section of Leesburg Pike in Seven Corners and a section of Little River Turnpike in Annandale will also be repaved. The bulk of the … Continued