Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

County sets more meetings on parking reduction proposals

Fairfax County has scheduled two more meetings on its “Parking Reimagined” proposals, which would reduce the parking requirements for new developments. The planning department is hosting virtual sessions Jan. 5 and Jan. 12. Both meetings are 7-8 p.m. Visit the Parking Reimagined website for links to access the meetings on Zoom. There’s also a comment … Continued

Eight redevelopment projects proposed for Mason District

Developers have submitted nominations to amend the Fairfax County Comprehensive Plan to allow new multifamily housing, infill housing, and retail projects in Mason District. The proposals were submitted as part of the newly revised Site-Specific Plan Amendment (SSPA) process. The Board of Supervisors approved changes in the SSPA in July that sped up the timeline … Continued

Major development proposed for Food Star site in Bailey’s Crossroads

A comprehensive plan amendment is in the works for a section of the Town Center District in the Bailey’s Crossroads Community Business Center. George Hong, the owner of the Food Star property at 5521 Leesburg Pike, told the Bailey’s Crossroads/7 Corners Revitalization Corporation (BC7RC) Sept. 29 about a proposal to develop four apartment buildings in … Continued

Parking needs to be ‘reimagined,’ but the county plan needs work

By Donna Jacobson Fairfax County staff is working on a proposed parking amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, which would set reduced minimum parking requirements (MPRs) for new and renovated developments. The proposed parking amendment should be available at the end of October on the Parking Reimagined website.The Planning Commission is expected to have public hearings … Continued

Comments sought on affordable housing

Fairfax County is seeking public feedback on a proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Plan aimed at preserving affordable housing. The proposed policy would call for redevelopment projects to include one-for-one replacement of existing affordable units. Under the policy, developers would be allowed higher density or other incentives to encourage them to preserve affordable housing. The policy … Continued