Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Hidden Oaks volunteer honored by Park Board

Hidden Oaks Nature Center, where volunteers make all the difference. Hidden Oaks Nature Center volunteer Marilyn Schroeder, a volunteer at Hidden Oaks Nature Center in Annandale, is one of three recipients of a 2018 Elly Doyle Park Service Award. Elly Doyle Awards are presented by the Fairfax County Park Authority Board to individuals or organizations … Continued

Hidden Oaks interpreter honored

Holland Naturalist Suzanne Holland, the visitor services manager at Hidden Oaks Nature Center in Annandale, was honored as one of 30 “Shining Stars of Interpretation” in the United States by the National Association for Interpretation (NAI). Holland is credited with increasing programming and visitation at Hidden Oaks, which is operated by the Fairfax County Park … Continued

Grant approved for field at Pine Ridge Park

The Annandale North Springfield Little League at Pine Ridge Park. [ANSLL] The Fairfax County Park Authority Board approved a $7,896 Mastenbrook grant for the Annandale North Springfield Little League May 23 to improve fencing on the outfield and batting cages for field #3 at Pine Ridge Park on Woodburn Road in Annandale. The existing fencing … Continued

Pinecrest Golf Course gets an upgrade

Irises in bloom on the golf course. The Pinecrest Golf Course is getting an upgrade. A renovation of the indoor practice facility on the lower level is expected to be completed by the end of summer. State-of-the-art amenities include expanded hitting bays, an instructional bay with electronic swing analysis, and a golf simulator that gives … Continued

Public invited to ‘pop-up park’ in Annandale June 3

This parking lot could be transformed into a park space. The Fairfax County Office of Community Revitalization (OCR) and the Fairfax County Park Authority  are hosting a demonstration “pop-up park” on June 3, noon-4 p.m., at the Annandale Volunteer Fire Department. The county is interested in creating space for temporary programming and special events during weekends … Continued

Free summer concerts start in June

Taiwanese Culture Night at Ossian Hall Park is scheduled for June 30. From big band to rock, bluegrass to international music, there will free concerts in Annandale four nights a week all summer long. The Spotlight by Starlight Summer Concert series starts June 16 with Chinese Cultural Heritage Night at Ossian Hall Park, 7900 Heritage … Continued