Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

School board seeks $310 million bond

Annandale Terrace The Fairfax County School Board has asked the Board of Supervisors to place a $310 million school bond referendum on the ballot for the general election on Nov. 3. The bond would fund just one school project in the Annandale/Mason area: planning for renovations at Annandale Terrace Elementary School. That school is celebrating … Continued

Discrimination suit against Bailey’s principal ‘dismissed with prejudice’

Lemmon The lawsuit filed by four employees of Bailey’s Elementary School against Principal Marie Lemmon charging her with discrimination and harassment has been “dismissed with prejudice.” The suit, filed in federal court in September by former assistant principal Rachel Charlton, former teachers Yolanda Calhoun and Shyrone Stith, and former student J.C. Calhoun, claimed Lemmon and … Continued

It’s celebration time at Congresional Schools

The Congressional Schools community gathers in front of the school’s main building. Hundreds students, staff members, alumni, and friends converged on the Congressional Schools of Virginia last weekend for the institution’s 75th anniversary celebration. The festivities began April 24 with a ceremony at the school’s campus on Sleepy Hollow Road, Falls Church. The keynote speaker, … Continued

Belvedere students heading to Odyssey of the Mind World Finals

The Belvedere Elementary School Odyssey of the Mind team will compete in the World Finals next month. Odyssey of the Mind is an international program for students in kindergarten through college that focuses on creative problem-solving through teamwork. Students complete projects ranging from building mechanical devices to their own interpretation of literary classics. Belvedere fourth … Continued

Stuart and Glasgow communities meet new principals

Bailey’s Crossroads Rotary Club President Harry Henderson (in the middle) presents a ceremonial check for $25,100 to FCPS during a community meeting at Stuart High School April 22. Fairfax County Public Schools Superintendent Karen Garza told the Stuart and Glasgow communities their schools are in good hands with new leadership. Last week, Garza appointed Penny … Continued

Gross outlines vision for community school at Willston Center

The main entrance to the Willston Center. Mason Supervisor Penny Gross has outlined a vision for a school at the Willston Multicultural Center that would be attached to a building providing a variety of community services. In her “A Penny for Your Thoughts” column published in the Falls Church News-Press April 16, Gross said she … Continued

DeRose appointed acting principal of Glasgow

DeRose Shawn DeRose has been appointed acting principal at Glasgow Middle School, effective immediately, Fabio Zuluaga, assistant superintendent for Region 2, announced in a message to parents April 16. Glasgow’s former principal, Penny Gros, was named principal of JEB Stuart High School April 15, following the abrupt departure of Prosperanta Calhoun. DeRose’s had been assistant … Continued

Painful funding cuts outlined at Mason Budget Town Hall

 From the left: Mason Supervisor Penny Gross, school board member Sandy Evans, and County Executive Ed Long. Of all the funding cuts in the Fairfax County advertised budget for 2016, one will hit some Annandale families especially hard: The budget would terminate the Annandale Adult Day Care Center located in the former Annandale Elementary School … Continued

Garza addresses class size, budget shortfall at community meeting

From the left: FCPS Superintendent Karen Garza, Region 2 Assistant Superintendent Fabio Zuluaga, and school board member Patty Reed (Providence). School board member Sandy Evans (Mason) is on the right.  Fairfax County Public Schools Superintendent Karen Garza doesn’t support efforts to equalize class sizes throughout the county by shifting resources from high-needs schools, she told … Continued