Tag: sidewalk

BoS uses eminent domain to complete sidewalk on Little River Turnpike
Fairfax County’s project to construct a sidewalk on the south side of Little River Turnpike between Hillbrook Drive and Little River Run Drive in Annandale hit a snag when county staff couldn’t find the owner of a small piece of property. The county’s Land Acquisition Division obtained the land rights for nine of the 10 … Continued

Sleepy Hollow Road projects underway
Sleepy Hollow Road has become a construction zone as five big public works projects are underway. Work has started on the $6 million Sleepy Hollow Walkways Project, which entails constructing 4,500 linear feet of concrete sidewalks, 690 square yards of curb ramps, and 206 linear feet of retaining wall. The new sidewalks will fill in … Continued

A new sidewalk would improve pedestrian safety on Columbia Pike
A 6-foot-wide sidewalk planned for Columbia Pike in central Annandale is aimed at improving pedestrian safety. Project manager Latesa Turner, of the Fairfax County Department of Transportation, described the project at a virtual community meeting on Jan. 23. The new sidewalk would fill in the gaps where there is no safe route to walk … Continued

Sidewalk planned for Columbia Pike
The Fairfax County Department of Transportation is planning a 6-foot wide sidewalk along Columbia Pike between Backlick Road and Tom Davis Drive in Annandale. Mason Supervisor Penny Gross and FCDOT will host a virtual public meeting on the project on Jan. 23 at 7 p.m. Access the meeting on Teams. Related story: Sidewalk project funded … Continued

Congressional School exit to be widened
The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors on June 28 approved a plan to reduce traffic backups caused by vehicles exiting Congressional School. The agreement calls for Congressional to contribute all necessary land rights for improvements to the exit from its property onto Sleepy Hollow Road and up to $61,476 to widen its exit from one … Continued

Board approves eminent domain for sidewalk
Construction of the sidewalk planned for Little River Turnpike in Annandale can proceed now that the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors agreed on Feb. 22 to use eminent domain to acquire land rights from a property owner. The eight-foot-wide walkway would be on the north side of Little River Turnpike between High Place and Pinecrest … Continued

County seeks land rights for sidewalk
The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors on Jan. 25 authorized a public hearing on the acquisition of land rights needed for the construction of a walkway on Little River Turnpike in Annandale. The project involves pedestrian improvements between High Place and Pinecrest Parkway along the northern side of Little River Turnpike, including an eight-foot walkway … Continued
Board of Supervisors approves eminent domain for Sleepy Hollow sidewalk project
The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors approved measures Sept. 14 allowing the county to use eminent domain to acquire land rights for two projects in Mason District. One measure calls for the county to use eminent domain to facilitate the construction of a pedestrian walkway along Sleepy Hollow Road between Columbia Pike and Leesburg Pike.

Public hearing will address use of eminent domain for Sleepy Hollow sidewalk construction
The affected properties are outlined in blue. The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors agreed July 27 to advertise a public hearing on using eminent domain to acquire land rights to properties needed for construction of the Sleepy Hollow Walkway Project. The hearing will be Sept. 14 at 4:30 p.m.

Sleepy Hollow sidewalks project in the land acquisition phase
The minor sidewalk repairs underway on Sleepy Hollow Road near Fern lane are not part of the big project to fill in the missing links on the sidewalks along Sleepy Hollow between Bay Tree Lane and Castle Place.

Community meeting will address Backlick Road improvements
The main north-south road is Backlick Road. The Fairfax County Department of Transportation invites the public to an online meeting Wednesday, Dec. 16, at 7 p.m., on the Backlick Road Spot Improvements Project. The project is aimed at relieving congestion and improving safety at the intersection at Backlick Road and Industrial Road in Mason District … Continued

Walkway project, pedestrian signal planned for Little River Turnpike
A sidewalk will improve pedestrian safety on this stretch of Little River Turnpike. Planning is underway for a walkway project along the westbound side of Little River Turnpike in Annandale between High Place and Pinecrest Parkway, Mason Supervisor Penny Gross announced in her newsletter to residents. The project includes an 1,800-foot-long, eight-foot-wide concrete sidewalk, curbs … Continued

Sidewalk project funded for Columbia Pike
A sidewalk is planned for this section of Columbia Pike in Annandale. The Transportation Planning Board (TPB) at the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments approved $780,000 for the first phase of the Columbia Pike Complete Streets project. That is one of seven projects, totaling $5.5 million, approved by the TPB Feb. 19 aimed at expanding … Continued