Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

New Virginia law gives students an excused absence for a civic or political event

Gov. Northam signs new laws. Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam has signed 80 new pieces of legislation into law that were passed by the 2021 General Assembly.   Here are some highlights:  Student civic engagement – The Virginia Department is Education is directed to establish guidelines that allow an excused absence for middle and high school students … Continued

COVID vaccination program to expand to include more pharmacies

Addo-Ayensu Virginia health officials hope the COVID-19 vaccination process will speed up when the federal retail pharmacy partnership expands. So far, CVS is getting 52,000 doses a week statewide, said Dr. Danny Avula, Virginia’s vaccine coordinator, at a COVID vaccine town hall hosted by state Sen. Dave Marsden, whose district covers the Annandale area; Del. … Continued

It will take months before everyone eligible can get a COVID vaccine

An Inova vaccination clinic for school employees. [FCPS] As the demand for COVID-19 vaccinations still greatly exceeds the supply, state and local officials are scrambling to manage the vaccination process.   “It will take months to vaccinate all of those who are eligible and currently registered to get a vaccine appointment,” the Fairfax County Health Department … Continued

Health officials urge patience in waiting for COVID vaccinations

First responders get COVID vaccines. [Fairfax County Health Department] Health officials urged the public to be patient, as they wait for a chance to get a COVID-19 vaccine.  Demand far outstrips the supply, they said at a town hall meeting hosted by Del. Kaye Kory (38th District-Annandale), state Sen. Dave Marsden (38th District-Annandale), and Del. … Continued

Limited COVID vaccine supply means getting group 1b vaccinated will take months

When Virginia moved into phase 1b for COVID-19 vaccinations, health officials anticipated getting much more of the vaccine than they are actually getting. As a result, it is going to take a long time – possibly until March or April – until everyone in 1b is vaccinated, said Danny Avula, vaccine coordinator with the Virginia … Continued

Many candidates are vying for governor of Virginia and other statewide offices

Former Gov. Terry McAuliffe (right) celebrates his 2013 victory with Sen. Tim Kaine and Gov. Ralph Northam, who was then elected lieutenant governor. McAuliffe is running again in 2021. There’s a crowded field of candidates seeking their party’s nomination for statewide offices in Virginia. Voters will select a governor, lieutenant governor, and attorney general on … Continued