Tag: Stuart High School

Stuart High School trophies will not be removed
The rumors about the trophies, banners, and other memorabilia with the Stuart name being removed from Justice High School are false, states Fairfax County Public Schools Region 2 Assistant Superintendent Fabio Zuluaga. “The trophies, banners, and plaques earned for athletic or academic achievements under the Stuart High School name will remain on display at the … Continued

Police investigating shooting threat at Stuart
Stuart High School will be open as usual on Friday, June 8, despite a threat about a school shooting. A message was discovered in a school bathroom stating: “SHCOOL [sic] SHOOTING ON FRIDAY 8TH OF JUNE PREPARE.” Someone posted a screen shot of the message on Snapchat, and student Alexzandr Saleh reposted it on Twitter. According … Continued

Outstanding Hispanic students awarded scholarships
Scholarship recipients The 15 Fairfax County seniors who received college scholarships from the Hispanic Leadership Alliance May 8 are an accomplished lot. The average GPA for the group is 3.9, and some will earn International Baccalaureate diplomas. Several students have after-school jobs to assist their families, yet still made time for extracurricular activities, school leadership … Continued

School news: Bike to School Day
An occasional series highlighting programs and activities at schools in the Annandale/Mason District area. The information and photos are from Fairfax County Public Schools and individual schools. Students in the new Garden Club at Wakefield Forest Elementary School. Bike to School – May 9 is national Bike to School Day, with the goal of promoting physical activity … Continued

Public invited to Raider Run 5K
The community is invited to the last Raider Run 5K, a community running event at Stuart High School, May 12 at 9 a.m. The 5K and ends at the high school, 3301 Peace Valley Lane, Falls Church, and winds through the rolling hills of Lake Barcroft. The Bailey’s Crossroads/Seven Corners Revitalization Corporation is hosting a … Continued

Empty Bowls event at Stuart highlights efforts to address food insecurity
ESOL students participated in the Empty Bowls event with teacher Becky Corallo (second from right). The community served by Stuart High School has the highest proportion of low-income students in Fairfax County, yet also has many affluent households and a very active volunteer community. The Empty Bowls event at the school April 24 was aimed … Continued

School news: Something to howl about
An occasional series highlighting programs and activities at schools in the Annandale/Mason District area. The information and photos here are from Fairfax County Public Schools and individual schools. A new logo – A logo has been selected for Justice High School featuring the school’s mascot, the Wolves, which was chosen by students in January. JEB Stuart High … Continued

Students select ‘Wolves’ as Justice High School mascot
Stuart alum Bruce Cohen (left) and Stuart parent Tim Beres were among the significant donors at a benefit to raise funds for changing the name of JEB Stuart High School to Justice High School. [Debbie Ratliff] While the Annandale Blog was on a break Jan. 2-22, here’s something we missed: Students at JEB Stuart High … Continued

Transforming Stuart HS to Justice HS will cost much less than previously estimated
FCPS Superintendent Scott Brabrand (left) talks to the public at a “community conversation” at Luther Jackson Middle School. The cost of changing the name of JEB Stuart High School to Justice High School would cost $428,418, according to a plan to implement the name change submitted by Fairfax County Public Schools Superintendent Scott Brabrand to … Continued

Stuart students can start thinking about a new mascot
JEB Stuart High School students and eighth-graders at Glasgow Middle School will be involved in the process to select a new mascot for Stuart. The Fairfax County School Board voted on Oct. 26 to rename the school Justice High School. At the same time, the board directed Superintendent Scott Brabrand to propose a plan for … Continued

Sandy Evans: Significant donations will support name change for Stuart High School
The Oct. 26 school meeting where the board agreed on Justice High School as the new name for Stuart. Left to right: Superintendent Scott Brabrand and school board members Sandy Evans (Mason), Thomas Wilson (Sully), Megan McLaughlin (Braddock), Dalia Palchick (Providence), and Ryan McElveen (at large). Now that the Fairfax County School Board has voted … Continued

School board changes the name of Jeb Stuart High School to Justice High School
The audience at the school board meeting. The Fairfax County School Board voted Oct. 26 – after a lengthy, emotional, and at times confusing discussion – to change the name of Jeb Stuart High School to Justice High School. The name “Justice,” as put forth by Sandy Evans (Mason), is meant to honor the three … Continued

Superintendent will present five options to school board on renaming JEB Stuart High School
Fairfax County Public Schools Superintendent Scott Brabrand announced Sept. 22 that his recommendation for a new name for JEB Stuart High School will be the top five names selected during the community vote on Sept. 16. FCPS estimates the total cost of a totally new name change would be $800,620. The cost of changing to … Continued

Community members charged with voting for a new name for JEB Stuart High School select ‘Stuart’
The scene outside Stuart High School as people showed up to vote for a new name. The option for retaining the Stuart name for JEB Stuart High School got the most points in a voting exercise conducted by Fairfax County Public Schools Sept. 16. “Stuart/Stuart Raiders” got a total of 917 points, while Justice Thurgood … Continued

School news: Snowplows and robots
Sleepy Hollow Elementary School Principal Eric Johnson performs with students at the back-to-school assembly. An occasional series highlighting programs and activities at schools in the Annandale/Mason District area. The information and photos here are from Fairfax County Public Schools and individual schools. Voting at Stuart – People who live within the JEB Stuart High School … Continued