Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Here’s how to help Ukrainian refugees

The Northern Virginia Regional Commission has organized a coat and blanket drive for Ukrainian refugees. More than 3 million people have fled Ukraine in the wake of the Russian invasion. More than 2 million have crossed the border into Poland. Drop-off boxes for donations have been set up at 41 locations in Northern Virginia, including … Continued

Americana Park to get new baseball backstop

Updated March 5: The Fairfax County Park Authority Board‘s Park Operations Committee approved a $17,189 Mastenbrook Volunteer Matching Fund Grant to the Annandale-North Springfield Little League (ANSLL) for a new backstop at the baseball field at Americana Park in Annandale. The proposal goes to the full board on March 9. The existing backstop needs to … Continued

Free tax help available in Mason District

Need some help with your taxes? The AARP Foundation Tax-Aide program is in full swing at the Mason Government Center. This year, Tax-Aide volunteers are providing free tax help by appointment only. Walk-ins won’t be served. The service is free. Taxpayers must obtain an information packet before calling for their appointment. The information packet can … Continued

Volunteers and organizations recognized for supporting parks

Volunteers with Friends of Accotink Creek collect litter from the stream. [FACC] The Fairfax County Park Authority has honored the Friends of Accotink Creek (FACC) with an Elly Doyle Park Service Award.  FACC volunteers protect the watershed by removing trash, replacing invasive plants with native species, monitoring wildlife populations, and educating the public about preserving … Continued