Tag: litter

Let’s clean up Annandale!
How about doing something for your community while getting a little exercise? The Annandale Rotary Club and the Annandale-Mason Roundtable invite residents to join a community cleanup in Annandale on Saturday, April 12, 12-2 p.m. Volunteers should meet at 7213 Columbia Pike, the site where a building damaged in a fire is expected to be … Continued

Volunteers clean up Americana Drive while long-term solutions are explored
More than 50 people removed trash, furniture, and construction debris from American Drive in Annandale on Veterans Day, reports Amy Gould, who has been organizing cleanup events along that roadway for years. Gould estimates the group collected 3.5 tons of material, including 100 bags of trash. They picked up 19 tires, six mattresses, two bed … Continued

Americana Drive cleanup set for Veterans Day
How about taking some time on Veterans’ Day to help make your community a little nicer? Join the volunteers at the community cleanup on Americana Drive in Annandale on Nov. 11, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Trash bags, gloves, and snacks will be provided. Sign up online and meet at the tent on the corner of Americana … Continued

Volunteers clean up Americana Drive
Eight-six volunteers took some time out on Presidents’ Day to clean up Americana Drive in Annandale, filling up 247 trash bags. In addition to an enormous amount of construction debris and litter here’s what else they collected: 21 tires, four shopping carts, three barbecue grills, eight doors, two car doors, one toilet, and one giant … Continued

Presidents’ Day is cleanup day
Local residents are encouraged to join the cleanup brigade at Americana Drive in Annandale on Monday, Feb. 20, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. It should be nice weather, with a high of 59 degrees predicted. Cleanups at Americana Drive have been going on for years, as the roadside attracts lots of construction debris from commercial trucks as … Continued

Volunteers clean up Bailey’s Crossroads
Volunteers from New Hope Housing and Hilton Arlington National Landing cleaned up litter along Seminary Road in Bailey’s Crossroads in October. New Hope Housing operates the Bailey’s Shelter and Supportive Housing facility, at 5914 Seminary Road, for Fairfax County. The organization adopted a 0.7-mile section of Seminary Road near the shelter as part of the … Continued

Help clean up Americana Drive
Volunteers are invited to join the next Americana Drive Cleanup event on Veterans Day, Nov. 11, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Participants should meet at the corner of Americana Drive and Patriot Drive in Annandale. Signing up in advance will help the organizers make sure there are enough supplies. Friends of Accotink Creek adopted Americana Drive through … Continued

BC7RC adopts Seven Corners roadways
The Bailey’s Crossroads/7 Corners Revitalization Corporation has had its Adopt-a-Highway permit renewed until July 2025. The permit covers two roadway sections in Seven Corners: Leesburg Pike between Sleepy Hollow Road and Nevius Street and Patrick Henry Drive between Leesburg Pike and Arlington Boulevard. Volunteers are invited to join a cleanup event on Saturday, Nov. 12. … Continued

County explores new ways to remove signs
Now that the Community Labor Force is going to stop collecting signs along roads and in medians, Fairfax County is exploring other solutions. The Community Labor Force consists of inmates at the Adult Detention Center. The Sheriff’s Office informed the Board of Supervisors that the CLF won’t be able to participate in the sign removal … Continued

Volunteers get plenty of help at Americana Drive cleanup
The semi-annual cleanups along Americana Drive in Annandale are drawing more volunteers and more help from the county and other community partners. Forty-four volunteers turned out for the cleanup on Presidents’ Day. They filled 191 bags of trash and collected at least 19 tires and big piles of construction debris and furniture. The cleanup was … Continued

High schools compete in Trash Off
Here’s one way to get volunteers to clean up litter around Lake Accotink – make it a fun competition for high school teams. Friends of Lake Accotink Park is sponsoring quarterly Trash Off events for high school teams in cooperation with the Young FLAPers. The next Trash Off, originally scheduled for last Saturday, has been … Continued

Annandale Toastmasters Club builds speaking skills – and cleans up the community
Members of the Annandale Toastmasters’ cleanup crew. If Little River Turnpike looks a little cleaner, it’s thanks to the Annandale Toastmasters Club. Since the group adopted a section of the roadway in Lincolnia in 2019, members have collected many bags of litter during cleanup events, most recently on Nov. 7.

Once again, volunteers clear trash and construction debris from Americana Drive
Trash bags line Americana Drive after the cleanup. [Amy Gould] About 30 people spent Veterans Day picking up trash along Americana Drive in Annandale. The volunteers – including many residents of the Vistas of Annandale – filled 95 large trash bags and also collected construction debris and other large items, including an entire engine block.
Fairfax County board approves plastic bag tax
The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors passed a 5-cent tax on disposable plastic bags Sept. 14. The new tax takes effect Jan. 1, 2022, and applies to bags provided to customers at grocery stores, convenience stores, and drug stores.

Seven Corners pedestrian bridge improvements would discourage loitering and vandalism
One of the stairwells at the pedestrian bridge in Seven Corners. Fairfax County is considering several options for retrofitting the pedestrian bridge over Arlington Boulevard in Seven Corners to minimize problems with littering, vandalism, and loitering. The project would replace the non-structural concrete panels on the two stairwells with more visually open materials. The objective … Continued