Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Fairfax County supervisors approve bonds for libraries, parks, and Metro

George Mason Regional Library The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors on June 23 authorized four bond referenda totaling $441 million for this fall’s general election. A $90 million library bond includes $15 million for improvements at George Mason Regional Library in Annandale and upgrades at three other libraries.  A $112 million park bond includes $100 … Continued

More Fairfax County park facilities open today

Mason District Park in Annandale. The Fairfax County Park Authority will begin opening additional park facilities on Friday, June 12, as the region moves into Phase 2 in the process of easing COVID-19 restrictions.  Here’s what Phase 2 means for county parks:  Athletic fields – open for organized and permitted use based on the Virginia … Continued

Annandale opens up, as Phase 1 of loosened COVID restrictions takes effect

Outdoor dining at the Foxfire Grill in Pinecrest Plaza in Annandale. As Fairfax County entered Phase 1 of the reopening plan on Friday, people were out and about in the Annandale/Mason District area all weekend, gathering in parks, getting haircuts, shopping, and eating out at designated outdoor seating areas. A beautiful spring day in Luria … Continued

Fairfax County athletic fields will reopen Friday

Mason District Park in Annandale. The Fairfax County Park Authority, Fairfax County Public Schools, and the county’s Department of Neighborhood and Community Services are reopening outdoor athletic fields on Friday, May 29. This covers more than 850 fields, including synthetic turf fields, at Fairfax County parks and public schools and only applies to walk-on use … Continued

Fairfax County summer camps canceled

Park trails, like this one at Luria Park in Annandale, are open, but just about all other Fairfax County park facilities remain closed.  The Fairfax County Park Authority and the Department of Neighborhood and Community Services (NCS) have cancelled all summer camp programs, due to the COVID-19 crisis.  That includes all summer camps sponsored by the … Continued