Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Deer hunting season starts Sept. 9

Deer hunting season in Fairfax County parks starts Saturday, Sept. 9, and runs through Feb. 17, 2024. The deer management program enlists qualified bowhunters to cull deer in 19 clusters throughout Fairfax County. Parks in the Annandale/Mason District area where deer hunting is allowed include the following.   In the Accotink Stream Valley cluster: In … Continued

Park Authority report sets a framework for park investment priorities

It’s clear that Mason District – especially Bailey’s Crossroads and Seven Corners – has fewer green spaces than other areas of Fairfax County. That makes it especially important for Mason residents to weigh in on the Park Authority’s draft Parks, Recreation, Open Space, and Access Strategy, which sets priorities for park development and improvements over … Continued

Explore a park: Crossroads Interim Park

This article is part of our Explore a Park series on parks in the Annandale/Mason District area. Crossroads Interim Park, at 5831 Columbia Pike, in Bailey’s Crossroads, was established as a temporary gathering spot on county-owned land that will eventually be redeveloped. It opened in September 2019. Features: The 2.9-acre site has a plaza area with metal … Continued

Kite fighting banned in county parks

The Fairfax County Park Authority is banning kite fighting in county parks. Kite fighters use super sharp wires, such as piano wire or metal filament or line coated with glass fragments, instead of string, to cut lines from an opponent’s kite. The practice is being prohibited, the Park Authority states, due to “increasing reports of … Continued

Explore a park: Howrey Field Park

This article is part of our Explore a Park series on parks in the Annandale/Mason District area. The most recent article in this series covered Annandale Community Park. Previous articles are listed on the Parks page. Howrey Field Park, a small park in Annandale has just four athletic fields and a memorial in recognition of a tragic … Continued

Summer concerts scheduled for local parks

  The Fairfax County Park Authority has announced the summer entertainment schedule. The free shows are held in parks throughout the county. Mason District’s Spotlight by Starlight series at the amphitheater in Mason District Park (6621 Columbia Pike) starts June 16 with the City of Fairfax Concert Band. There are shows at Mason District Park … Continued

Dowden Terrace Park courts closed

The Fairfax County Park Authority has begun work to resurface the athletic courts at Dowden Terrace Park. The basketball and tennis courts are closed until July 17 when the project is expected to be completed. Dowden Terrace Park is located at 5616 Bradley Blvd. in Bailey’s Crossroads. The existing fencing, goals, and posts will be … Continued