Tag: volunteers

Americana Drive cleanup set for Veterans Day
How about taking some time on Veterans’ Day to help make your community a little nicer? Join the volunteers at the community cleanup on Americana Drive in Annandale on Nov. 11, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Trash bags, gloves, and snacks will be provided. Sign up online and meet at the tent on the corner of Americana … Continued

Cakes4Kids ensures at-risk children get a cake on their birthday
When children, for one reason or another, aren’t getting a cake for their birthday, a group of volunteer bakers with Cakes4Kids steps up to make sure they are not forgotten. “We want to make a child feel special on their birthday,” says Campbell, founder of the Northern Virginia Chapter of Cakes4Kids. That group has … Continued

Gross honors Mason District activists
Every year since 1984, each member of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors designates two residents as Lord and Lady Fairfax in recognition of their outstanding volunteer service, heroism, or other accomplishment. Supervisor Penny Gross selected Lassine Doumbia Fakoli as this year’s Lord Fairfax and Alis Wang as Lady Fairfax for Mason District. All … Continued

School news roundup
A Mayan partnership – Braddock Elementary School’s Mayan partners adorned the newly renovated school with two new murals. Braddock has had a partnership for the past eight years with Task-Tarea, an organization of people from Guatemala who moved to the United States and wanted to continue to support Mayan village schools back home. They raise … Continued

Starbucks awards grant to Lake Accotink Park friends group
The Starbucks Foundation awarded the Friends of Lake Accotink Park (FLAP) $1,000 from its Neighborhood Grants program, the Fairfax County Park Authority announced. A local Starbucks employee nominated FLAP for the grant in recognition of its work to protect the natural and cultural resources and support projects and programmatic opportunities at Lake Accotink Park. FLAP … Continued

Boy Scouts teach outdoor skills to Annandale Boys & Girls Club campers
Kids participating in the Annandale Boys and Girls Club’s summer program learned some outdoor skills from Boy Scout Troop 150 at Ossian Hall Park on Aug. 2. The scouts taught the kids how to tie knots, build a fire, set up a tent, and lash branches together to make a structure. The scouts then helped … Continued

Scouts honor veterans for Memorial Day
Boy Scouts from Troop 150 honored the “fallen heroes” yesterday at the cemetery at Annandale United Methodist Church.

Culmore activist Mark Tonkovic honored as a Community Champion
Mason Supervisor Penny Gross selected Mark Tonkovic as the 2023 Mason District Community Champion. Tonkovic was honored at an award ceremony hosted by Volunteer Fairfax last week along with the nine other community champions selected by the other Fairfax County supervisors. “Mark grew up in his Culmore/Bailey’s Crossroads community and moved back to his childhood … Continued

Visit us at the Taste of Annandale and enter a drawing for a ‘sold in Annandale’ basket
Be sure to stop by the Annandale Today table at the Taste of Annandale this Saturday. The community festival is 10 a.m.-4 p.m. on Tom Davis Drive. It will be held rain or shine. Annandale Today will host a random drawing for a gift basket filled with items sold in Annandale stores. All you have … Continued

Bailey’s XRoads Rotary Club will bring a classic Mustang to the Taste of Annandale
The Bailey’s Crossroads Rotary Club, a Gold Sponsor of the Taste of Annandale, is bringing the classic Mustang convertible they’re raffling off to the April 29 event. The fully restored 1966 Mustang has power front disc brakes, steel wheels, power steering, automatic transmission with overdrive, and air conditioning, says the club’s president-elect, Juanita Ballenger. The … Continued

Volunteers needed for the Taste of Annandale
The Taste of Annandale needs volunteers to keep things running smoothly. The Taste is a family-friendly street festival on April 29, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., on Tom Davis Drive. Volunteers are needed to help out at the 5K Race to check in runners at 9 a.m. and otherwise help keep the runners on track. We also … Continued

Students are working on robotic gardening
Students at Annandale and Falls Church high schools are learning how to use FarmBots to automate gardening. FarmBots are robots that can be programmed to plant seeds, water plants, pull weeds, and harvest the produce. It slides back and forth on a specially constructed raised garden bed. Hands On Harvests The FarmBot program is a … Continued

Volunteers clean up Americana Drive
Eight-six volunteers took some time out on Presidents’ Day to clean up Americana Drive in Annandale, filling up 247 trash bags. In addition to an enormous amount of construction debris and litter here’s what else they collected: 21 tires, four shopping carts, three barbecue grills, eight doors, two car doors, one toilet, and one giant … Continued

Presidents’ Day is cleanup day
Local residents are encouraged to join the cleanup brigade at Americana Drive in Annandale on Monday, Feb. 20, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. It should be nice weather, with a high of 59 degrees predicted. Cleanups at Americana Drive have been going on for years, as the roadside attracts lots of construction debris from commercial trucks as … Continued

Heritage Mission Center seeks donations
The Mission Center in Annandale encourages residents to donate items for struggling families. The center, at 7901 Heritage Drive, hosts a weekly food distribution event, where volunteers also give out other needed household supplies. It’s run by volunteers from Annandale United Methodist Church. Related story: Volunteers distribute hundreds of meals a week to Annandale’s needy … Continued