Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Fairmont Gardens residents worry about crime, drugs, and children’s safety

Residents of Fairmont Gardens are concerned about crime, drug abuse, keeping children and teens safe, and fear of retaliation if they call the police. Those are the major themes that emerged at a Town Hall convened on April 18 by the Opportunity Neighborhoods–Annandale program. Nearly 70 people showed up to hear from county, school, and … Continued

Registration open for spring break camp

Registration is underway for spring break camps operated by the Fairfax County Department of Neighborhood and Community Services. The camps, for students in grades 1-6, run March 25-29, 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m., at eight locations, including the James Lee Community Center in Falls Church and the Willston Multicultural Center in Seven Corners. Camp hours are 8:30 … Continued

Park Authority hiring summer camp leaders

The Fairfax County Park Authority is hiring people for full-time jobs in its Rec-PAC summer camp program. The program seeks “creative, high-energy, motivated” candidates to serve as site directors, camp leaders, and inclusion leaders. Pay ranges from $16.87 to $23.75 an hour depending on experience, education, and certifications. All summer employees will be offered a … Continued

Inova opens clinic for sick children

Inova celebrated the grand opening of a clinic for sick children Jan. 18 in Seven Corners. The Inova Cares Pediatric Sick Clinic, the first of its kind in the Inova system, provides care for children who have such common symptoms as fevers, ear infections, and sore throats so they can return to daycare or school … Continued

Unfolded strollers allowed on Connector buses

It’s just gotten a lot easier to take small children on Fairfax Connector buses. A new policy that took effect Sept. 1 allows adults to bring a stroller on board without having to fold it and hold the child in their lap. Strollers are now permitted in the ADA-accessible seating area of the bus but … Continued

Kids invited to join the Cub Scouts

Boys and girls in the Annandale/Mason District area are invited to join Cub Scout Pack 855. The pack offers year-round family-friendly activities, from camping to rockets to pinewood derby car races. For more information, come to the Join Scouting Night at Sleepy Hollow United Methodist Church, 3435 Sleepy Hollow Road, on Sept. 12, 6:30 p.m., … Continued