Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Supervisor candidate Jimenez: missing in action on the Planning Commission

Mason District supervisor candidate Andres Jimenez is a member of the Fairfax County Planning Commission, yet he attended far fewer meetings than any other commissioner and rarely speaks when he does show up. That’s the conclusion of a report by Mason District residents George Waters, Larry Golfer, and Carole Bausell. They conducted a comprehensive analysis … Continued

Culmore activist Mark Tonkovic honored as a Community Champion

Mason Supervisor Penny Gross selected Mark Tonkovic as the 2023 Mason District Community Champion. Tonkovic was honored at an award ceremony hosted by Volunteer Fairfax last week along with the nine other community champions selected by the other Fairfax County supervisors. “Mark grew up in his Culmore/Bailey’s Crossroads community and moved back to his childhood … Continued

Mason District supervisor candidates outline their priorities and qualifications

The four candidates running in the Democratic Primary to represent Mason District on the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors presented their views on a wide-ranging series of issues at a forum on May 1. Speaking to a full house at the Mason Government Center, the candidates spoke about their qualifications and proposals, although they offered … Continued

Crime rose in 2022 in Mason District

Crime has risen in the Mason Police District in nearly every category in 2022 compared to 2021.   Crimes with the biggest increases include weapons violations, narcotics, robbery, and larceny. The following crime statistics are from a State of the Station presentation by Mason Police District Commander Capt. Loriann LaBarca and Lt. Daniel Spital at … Continued

Little League registration now open

Hey, kids, get in the game. Registration is now open for the 2023 season of the Mason District Little League. The MDLL offers opportunities for children ages 4-13 to learn and play tee ball and baseball. Register here. Teams practice at Mason District Park, Parklawn Park, and Parklawn Elementary School. The MDLL is a member … Continued