Tag: voting

Mason District voters speak up
Most early voters we talked to at the Mason Government Center said they are voting for Harris.

Vote early at the Mason Government Center
Early voting for one of the most consequential presidential races in U.S. history began at Fairfax County’s 13 satellite locations on Thursday, Oct. 17.

Early voting underway
Early voting at satellite polling stations, including the Mason Government Center and the Thomas Jefferson Library, begins on Oct. 17.

Hummer, Woodburn precincts to be consolidated
The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors on June 25 approved an ordinance to consolidate the Hummer precinct with the Woodburn precinct in Mason District. Current residents of the Hummer Road precinct would vote at Woodburn Elementary School. The next step calls for the county attorney to file a request for a “certification of no … Continued

Voting underway for the primaries
Early voting for the Democratic and Republican primaries started on May 3. Both primaries are on June 18. Several candidates for the Senate and U.S. House of Representatives are on the primary ballots. Voting at the Fairfax County Government Center, 12000 Government Center Parkway in Fairfax, and two other locations in Alexandria and Reston is available … Continued

FXCO primary voters go for Haley and Biden
President Joe Biden and Donald Trump both scored big wins in the Virginia Democratic and Republican primaries, respectively, on March 5. Statewide, Biden got 88.69 percent of the vote in the Democratic Primary. In the Republican Primary, 63.32 percent of voters went for Trump, and 34.62 percent voted for Nikki Haley. Following a poor showing … Continued

Polls are open for the primaries
The polls opened today at 6 a.m. for the Virginia presidential primaries and will close at 7 p.m. If you’re not sure where to vote, look up your polling place on the Virginia Department of Elections website. Be sure to bring a driver’s license or other valid form of identification. If you have a mail-in … Continued

Early voting for the Virginia primaries underway at satellite locations
Early voting for the Virginia presidential primaries is now underway at 13 locations, including the Mason Government Center and Thomas Jefferson Library. The primaries are March 5. The satellite voting sites are open 1-7 p.m. on weekdays and 9 a.m.-5 p.m. on Saturdays. Drop boxes are available at those locations and times for absentee ballots. … Continued

Early voting underway for Virginia Primary
All eyes might be on New Hampshire, but early voting is now underway for the March 5 Presidential Primary in Virginia. Three locations are open for early voting on weekdays: Additional early voting locations – including the Mason Government Center and Thomas Jefferson Library – will be open Feb. 24-March 2. In Virginia, voters do not … Continued

Early voting underway
Early voting for the Nov. 7 General Election is now underway at three locations. Early voting is available on weekdays at the Fairfax County Government Center in Fairfax (8:30-4 p.m.), the Mount Vernon Government Center in Alexandria (1-7 p.m.), and the North County Government Center in Reston (1-7 p.m.). All three locations are open on … Continued

Virginia residents can now register and vote on the same day
If you missed the Oct. 17 voter registration deadline for the Nov. 8 election, you can still register and vote. Under a law passed by the Virginia General Assembly this year, people can register and vote on the same day – on Election Day or in person at early voting sites. Voters who take advantage … Continued

Voting starts Oct. 27 at satellite locations
Early voting for the Nov. 8 election starts Oct. 27 at satellite locations. Early voting sites in Mason District are at the Mason Government Center at 6507 Columbia Pike and Thomas Jefferson Library at 7415 Arlington Blvd., Falls Church. Those voting centers will be open through Nov. 5, 1-7 p.m. on weekdays, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. … Continued

Bilingual election officers needed
If you can speak Vietnamese or Korean, the Fairfax County Office of Elections needs you to assist voters in the Nov. 8 general election. Bilingual election officers are especially needed in Annandale, Falls Church, Centreville, and Chantilly. They will perform all regular election officer duties, including assisting most voters in English, but will be assigned … Continued

The Democratic Primary is tomorrow
If you’re planning to vote in the Democratic Primary on Tuesday, June 21, here’s what you should know: The only candidates on the ballot are Rep. Don Beyer and challenger Victoria Virasingh in the 8th Congressional District. Due to redistricting a large section of Annandale has been moved from the 11th Congressional District to the … Continued

Early voting underway for Democratic Primary
Early voting is underway for the Democratic Primary on June 21 for the 8th Congressional District. The candidates are Rep. Don Beyer and Victoria Virasingh. Portions of the 11th District (Rep. Gerry Connolly) have shifted to the 8th District. Submit your address here to see which district you’re in. Early voting is currently being carried … Continued